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Them and uz reflects Tony Harrison's class this is because he is middle

class. The poem is written from his own experience, he says spoke the
language is spoke at home this shows us that he knows he speaks
differently depending on what situation he is in and who he is around, so
he puts on a voice when he is around high class people but then when he
is at home he is himself. From the poem we as the audience can tell what
his opinion on the high class is, he thinks they are pretentious. He believes
that he shouldn't have to be someone he's not just so he can fit in with
the high class.
The author clearly has a strong opinion on class relations; he thinks that
the high class steal jobs from the lower class hands of the receivers. He
was given a different name of T.W this is because his real name wasnt
seen as posh enough for the school that he was attending. cant have our
glorious heritage done to death- this shows us that the high class
believed that Harrison would put the higher class to shame. He was given
the parts in Shakespeare plays like the drunken porter, this shows us that
they didnt treat him as well because he wasnt one of them. Tony
Harrison tells us all of this so that we k now how he feels about the class
relations. The higher class look down on the middle class and treat them
The work serves as propaganda as it uses language that would persuade
people to speak more [posh, the poem says received pronunciation this
is referring to how the queen speaks. This could persuade people to speak
properly as they may believe that if they do then they will end up with a
higher status. The poem could persuade people to speak better as it
implies that if you do then you will have a better life.
In the poem Them and uz the characters do overcome oppression as he
says 2and used my name and my own voice this shows us that even
though he got picked on for his language and accent whilst attending a
high class school he is still proud of his northern accent. He also shows
that he got over oppression as he still manages to move past the cruel
behaviour of the high class. Tony Harrison overcame oppression by
becoming a famous writer and got his work published in the Times
newspaper even though a pseudonym had to be used.

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