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pope tl gra? Sydney > Ms. James Sociology 3 November, 2015 Television through the decades Television has been around before we were even bom. Its a huge thing in everyday life, We watch it for entertainment, to get the scoop on the Hollywood gossip, to see the news about what's going on in our world, and to see what the weather is going to be like {Through the Fc erent tenement “needs, «lie rewoating ‘to what is going on today and the time period} It has evolved in what the picture looks like, what the families do in their free time and simply by just what they wear. We don't really notice the difference unless we really watch and see between the different shows and the different decades. | saw these types of things through the T.V. shows of Leave it 10 Beaver, Family Matters, Full House, and Parenthood. ‘ve Actas ee Nruse Se ms Strout Leave it to Beaver was a family T.V. show that was aired in the late 1950's. This show really showed the aspects of the 50's the clothes how they were with each other, and {hel porsontities. The setting usually happens inthe kids school, in their home, and around their neighborhood. The structure of the family was a pretty original picture back then. It was made up Wat dees This wean? of the Mom, Dad, and the two sons Wally and Beaver. The Mom is a stay at home mom. She is the person who cooks the meals, cleans, and makes sure everything is in order. ‘When doing all of this she is wearing a dress with the pearls in her ears, The dad is a man that comes home right in time for dinner wearing a suit and tie. He is the one that is reed making the money for the family and is providing for them. Wally is the older brother. He's the type of brother that will pick on Beaver, but will also have the family love for him. Beaver is the free spirited child that just lights up the room when he walks in, He is ie is also the light of the family. To me they seemed as the “perfect family’ of the 50's. é was ve Mee a? The family interaction in this show was way different than it is today. The w way that res yey the children talked to the parents seemed more appreciated. When Wally and Beaver would ask to do something and their parents said no they would somewhat argue but would accept what thelr parents are saying. When geting home from school they drt just go straight to the T.V. they would come into wherever their parents were and would have a conversation about what they did that day. They would never have fights as some families may have. When someone would disagree with something they would have a discussion on what it was about and work it out the way you are suppose to. pepet #2 To go along with the interaction of the family comes the topics of discussion. In one episode that | watched, Beaver was in his class play. His parents asked all about_*— They asked what he was going to be for the play, who else was going to be in the play and also what part they were playing. They would also then discuss about what things they needed to get ready for this play and how they would do this( By just this part it showed that they were very involved with what happens with beaver at school and what he does during the day and also making sure he is all ready/|Wally was the oldest so his “good analysis! conversations were more about lessons and teaching him what the best thing he should do. In this same episode, Wally didn't want to go to his brother play and what he was good. Tancition! going to do was just sit in the back and then leave. Once he told his parents they had to sit him down and told him that they have to support his brother because Beaver was ay very nervous for this play. They also told him that he doesn't get many moments like this and should cherish his times with his brother. Overall in discussion they would ask about everyones day and how they have been and care for each other. In this families tree time they did many of things. The dad would usually sit on the OCaml couch looking at catalogs or read. The mom would always be running the house and aby os Ny mh uf making sure everything and everyone isin line. Beaver would always be running around 0" meres oe ‘0 doing something. Some days he would be out adventuring with his friends doing things boys his age would be doing, flying play planes, getting into trouble, and running around the neighborhood. Wally would be usually running around with his friends or be in his, and Beavers room doing homework \» Family Matters was a T.V show that was on in the late 80's and went through the late 90's. tis set in Chicago, Illinois and is all about the Winslow Family who were African American, ONOYAUCHS? > should be in inte. so This family isn't like many other families. They have more than just the parents xe and the kids under the root[It is the Dad, Carl, Mom, Harriet, their son Edward, their {3% daughters Laura and Judi, Carls Mom, Harriet's Sister and her son, and the Steve Urkel coh who is a neighbor that thinks he lives there| The dad is a cop and the nom jsarstaysat “0 * home | am guessing or they don't say what she does.) The interaction between this family is very different from Leave it to Beaver but also somewhat the same. The interaction between the Winslow family is very open. {They tell each other everything. They do everything together) When one needs help with something they are always willing to ne xeon between the children and the Parents are very set alfd stone and are very clear. The kids really respect what their Is parents tell them to do whether they like the outcome or not. Sometimes they get into arguments that will last awhile but in the end they all learn their lesson in the end and appreciate what they have in life. as a ota "a0 \ Topic of discussion varied on what the family did that day or what was happening wo e yet oi xv in their lives at the time, fit showed this in the show. They never talked about the same om . ELA Deni. g thing over and over again. a always had a different topic. With the Mom and Dad it is aay usually about their kids life, what they are wanting to do or about the issues in the real «0 mer world, The kids and Steve would talk about their own lives, their relationships, and what they are going to do. ‘Their free time is very much like ours today but without our modem day technolagies and stu ke that. The kids are always hanging outwith thei fiends or UH AUG WOH IN frnad EAU... tne fre wanting to hang out win ae They are on the phone with their friends doing things regular teenagers do. The parents are usually watching games on TV or Carl usually likes to do man work around the house. This decade was a long time ago, butit is cool to see how some of the things are still with us today. Full House is a family 7.V. show that is set in San FranciscoThis show aired in the 90's. This show was a huge hit|It showed some of the struggles of losing a loved Coyine cone but also shgiy hw supportive family can be through tough times. This show is about how men are raising all girls and dealing with their moments in life. There is Danny Tanner who has three daughters. The oldest is D.J. next is. ‘Stephanie, and then the youngest is Michelle. Also in the house is Danny's brother-in- law Jesse and his friend Joey which they see as an uncle also. Danny's wife died when Michelle was only about a couple months old. These three men are raising all of these Hien pavaaraPh! ; is \S Your most well wi girls. The structure of the family is always entertaining and very busy with everything going on in everyones life + ; Anite The interaction in this show I feel like was non other. They didn't have that Yom figure in their lives so it was different. They were very respectful of all of the three men figures in their lives and treated them all as their father. Since the tragedy of their Moms death you can tell that they have a strong bond with their dad and cherish him even more. The relationship with their dad is very strong and more of a parent interaction. Their relationship with their uncles are also a type of parenting but there is a little more fun and do whatever you want vibe to them because they are single men that are just living there. They are not as mature as Danny is with them. In this household there are all kinds of topics of discussion. Their conversations can range from what's going on in everyones life, jokes they are telling each other, or the girls fighting about something. In the later series of the show there is a more mature discussion for all of them. The girls would be talking about boys, concerts, and talking ‘ about what happened at school rather than when they were young they would talk about \\\” |< themselves or about their favorite animals. The topics of the three men would be about 7 sports, music and much comedy, Danny was a sports castor so he always hadtokeep = up on the latest, Jesse was very into music and was in a band. Joey was a comedian so pretty much everything he did was not serious and in a joking way. } wp : Going off ofthe topics of discussion influence what they did in their free time. ~ IO” Did. would be usually listening to music, hang out with Kimmy, oF talking about/ hang 4.) out with boys. Stephanie would also be hanging out with friends, playing with her dolls or doing homework. Michelle was the young one and was —— the whole show. Ypun at N Yas ig w vt ea jut She never really was a teenager. She spent her free time playing with her toys, reading books or tormenting her older sisters wanting to do what they do. Danny was the mom y a pra’ of the house, so he would be the one always cleaning and making sure the house was Son 7 e put together. In his free time he would be watching sports or helping his daughters with ‘their Stuff. Jesse was a huge music freak, so in his free time you would see him win... donk use downstairs playing all kinds of instruments and singing. He would also go to different places and perform. Joey, | thoughtwas also kind of a mom because you would always see him cooking and telling the girls jokes. They would all get together on family days ADE and do family things) AS Would go to the zoo, out to eat, or somewhere entertaining, —— BE piginplie. This family was always together and would hardly be split up when doing things. Parenthood is a modern day television show starting in 2010 and ending in 2015. & (This show is about the Braverman family going through tough, happy, and L overwhelming moments in their sven lives] Itis about how one families with the sons and daughters with their fartilies being torn apart and brought back together. Itall started off with the older couple, Zeek and Camille, and their four children and their families. Thell)is Adam, Sarah, Crosby, and Julia, Adam is married to Kristina. They have 3 children. Haddie, Max, and Nora. Their son Max has Asperger syndrome. Sarah is a single mother for most of the show to two kids. Amber and Drew. Amber has a baby named Zeek. Julia is married to Joel, they have two children, Sydney and Victor who they adopted, Then Crosby is married to Jasmine who is african american and they also have two children Jabbar and Aida. This is a crazy and big families."There are many events that go on with each separate family plus,them togethet. wi ae With the regular family just the parents and the four kids, they are all pretty close with their parents but with some of them they are closer with certain of their siblings ar AN rather than all of them. They respect their parents very much and cherish them. They * i x will always be there when they are needed and the parents would do them same. You 18 ° gv? Megs can toll that when they were growing up that they were a very close family and were “e taught good morals. The separate families are more of a variety. The family of Adam are cpus ANA note, , very close, loving and genuine. They have a son named Max that has Aspergerg/so that bond is very strong $0 jhey can both respect each other. Sarah's family is also very close. Being a single mother mast of the time is what | think brought her and her kids $0 close. Her kids respect and understand what she is going through. The family of Cosby is vert tight knit. They talk about anything and everything. Julia has a family that goes through a couple though times but they are strong and respect everyone very well ‘Sydney.her daughter is the typical girl. She always gives attitude but in the end she ee | leams the le880N. only ane 2 OF She Learns multiple lasmns threnghoubt tre Shou? In the show they will have big family dinners. They usually only show the adults and the older children at the table. Their topics of discussion can vary to what is going om atthe time. Ir/a show that | watched Julia was going through a divorce. The family all came together and ea their support for her and the rough time that they were having. Her siblings volunteered to take the kids while she figures things out. They really all come together for an event like that. Some times the topics can get heated because all familios disagree on something. The(other show that | watched Zeek and epigede Camille wanted to sell the’house. The kids of the two were very upset and everyone Api started to yell. These kids have grown up in this house for their whole life and don’t want to lose that memory. Free time to them is family time. This family is always spending time with each other, They have many dinners together, spend the holidays together and goingto the little kids sporting or school events. The kids always are hanging out with each other, doing homework or doing their hobbies. Television has evolved so much and is still evolving. There are still a lot of new things coming into the T.V. world. They will keep changing because our world and everyday life changes through time with new inventions and new morals that we have in life. v ude pape eat oe ay woe Sud yor nave sare gpoct ideas, they just yet ob Aymaatee 4 worded v Witty oettet. Aiwaus ve-vead Nour papas a well. 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