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Grayson Collins

Mrs. Intawiwat
Engl 2116
November 18, 2015
Chapter 5, Exercise 2
1) CDCs Public Health Grand Rounds on Chlamydia
a) Have you ever heard of CDCs Public Health Grand Rounds on
b) Here is some information about Chlamydia from CDCs Public Health
Grand Rounds on Chlamydia.
2) The GYT: Get Yourself Tested Campaign
a) Have you been tested? Join the GYT: Get Yourself Tested Campaign?
b) Here is information about getting tested and The GYT: Get Yourself
Tested Campaign.
3) National HIV and STD Testing Resource
a) Where can you find information about HIV and STDs?
b) The National HIV and STD Testing Resource is a great place to find
4) STD Awareness Resource Site
a) Have you visited the STD Awareness Resource Site?
b) Here is information of STD Awareness and the resource site.
5) STD Prevention Materials
a) How to prevent STDs?
b) Here are some materials to help prevent STDs.
6) The Division of STD Preventions Twitter account
a) Have you followed STD Prevention on twitter?
b) Make sure to follow The Division of STD Preventions Twitter account.

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