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A: Do you like meat?

B: mmmmmmmmmmmm. Yes
C: Yeaaaaa, Why?
A: Would you like to eat out tonight?
B: which is the problem? Lets goooooo!!!!
C: I would like a big Beef.
Garson: Good night, Can i help you?
A: A table for tree please
Garson: would you like to see the men?
A: Yes, of course.
Garson: Would do you like something to drink?
B: Yes, I would like meln juice
C: I like my mango juice
A: I would like a glass of wine. Please
Garson: ok, i will be right back
Garson: we are ready to order.
A: I would like some beef with a little rice
B: I would like fish and potato with Little fruts
C: I would like eat lasagna with lots of lettuce and avocado
Garson (Se retira y vuelve con la comida)
B: I didnt order this.
B: I asked for the fish and potato with Little fruts
Garson: excuse me, I'm sorry. Here you are.
Garson: they would like something more? ( Le gustara algo ms?)
A: no thanks
B: Can we have the bill please?
Garson: Of Course.
Garson : Here you are (El garson se retira y vuelve)
A: thank you very much the waiter!
Garson: Thank you for your visit

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