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Inquiry Based Lesson Plan

Teachers: Tamisha Harris

Subject: Algebra 1


HS.N-Q.A.1 Use units as a way to understand problems and to guide the solution of multi-step
problems; choose and interpret units consistently in formulas; choose and interpret the scale and
the origin in graphs and data displays.
HS.N-Q.A.2 Define appropriate quantities for the purpose of descriptive modeling.
HS.N-Q.A.3 Choose a level of accuracy appropriate to limitations on measurement when
reporting quantities.

Objective (Explicit):

By the end of this lesson the students will be able to create an effective budget based off what their
income is and what expenses they will have to pay, they will see that they have responsible
spending power.

Evidence of Mastery (Measurable): The students will critique a sample budget and present suggestions on improving
the sample budget.
Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex):

Make use of any prior knowledge they have on what a budget is and what makes up a budget.
Analyze the different components of a budget.
Create a budget for personal use.
Evaluate the use of a budget based on the expenses and saving of money.
Demonstrate effective decision making when it comes to spending and saving.

Key vocabulary:

Materials/Technology Resources to be used:

Budget, Fixed expense, Variable Expense, Gross Income

Computer with internet access, Activity worksheets,

Calculators. There will be a class Edmodo page
where the worksheets will be available to download
(after they have been introduced to the worksheet),
this page will be dedicated to this PBL and any
questions can be asked and will be answered. Any
websites that the students come across when
researching jobs can be added to the page.

Engage (Make content and learning relevant to real life and connect to student interest)


We will have a class conversation about the different types of jobs the students will be looking for. The students will
then write down a list of items they will have to pay for (ex. Rent, cable, phone, insurance).
Teacher Will:

Student Will:

The teacher will ask the students about any financial

goals that they might have. Are there any big

Speak out on how they plan on achieving these

goals and what strategies they plan to use.

purchases that they will like to make or a certain

amount that they like to earn.
Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation


While the class is having a discussion any students who may seem like they are having trouble speaking
about their goals they will be able to discuss this one-on-one with the co-teacher.
Teacher Will:

Student Will:

After having the class discussion the teacher will

then go on to explain how in order to reach these
goals they will have to make a budget and then the
teacher will define what a budget is and how it is
effective in keeping account of your money.

In their own words the students will define budget

and state the important components of a budget.

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation


Some students may prefer to have a small group discussion and hear how others defined budget.
Teacher Will:

Student Will:

Facilitate an activity where the students will create a

budget based off the job and income provided.

Research the information needed to put into a

budget research the prices for rent, a car if they
chose to buy one, insurance, phone, cable, food,
utilities, and other essentials.

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation
Even though this is an individual project the teacher and co-teacher will provide any necessary help and or
additional resources to help the students get to the finished product.

After the project is done the students will have to write a one page report on some of the challenges they encountered
when writing a budget. The students will also give evidence of how an extra expense or bonus can either help or hurt
or budget and why it is beneficial to stay within that budget.

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