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Parent Teacher Conference

0-3 year old

Childs Initials W.C.
Teacher Tori Tegland
Overall Progress
W.C. does almost all of the observations that I took. There were a few that he did not perform.
All children develop at their own pace. W.C. has shown development according to the 0-9
months observations. There are a few things that W.C. hasn't done, that he will perform in the
Social-Emotional Development
W.C. smiles at familiar teachers when his name is being said. He also laughs, responds, and
makes eye contact. W.C. laughs during games or funny voices being performed with him. W.C.
does not smile or laugh with strangers, he is more quiet until familiar with the person. W.C.
recognizes his primary caregiver and other teachers in the classroom.
Physical Development- Large Muscle
W.C. has control over his head and sits up. He does not roll over from back to side or back to
front. W.C. does not inch forward or backwards. When he does tummy time, he fusses
sometimes, and does not really move.
Physical Development - Small Muscle
W.C. will eat/gum his menu food and swallow. He will also drink water from his cup by himself
or with assistance. W.C. eats off of a spoon with assistance and plays with the spoon in his
hands when he has it. He leans forwards, backwards, and side to side when reaching for toys
while sitting up. He passes the toys back and for between both hands.
W.C. coos, babbles, and "talks" to himself and others. W.C. responds when his name is being
called and will turn to look at whoever called his name. He makes a lot of noises when laying
down before he naps. He does not cry a lot, but will fuss or cry right before he lays down, eats,
or is hurt. Wyatt listens when a story is being told to him.
W.C is alert when he is awake, looking around the classroom, notices other infants or teachers
next to him, and looks in the direction where the sound is coming from. W.C. uses his sense
during lunch time a lot. He uses hearing to listen to the teachers talking, looking at his food,
touching his food with his hands to get familiar with it, and will eventually taste his food. W.C.
smiles and laughs when a familiar teacher approaches him or holds him. He smiles and laughs
when teacher talk to him one on one.

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