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Student: Viviana Moyota Cusme

Ingles Comercial 2

Writing/ report cash box

The cash count is the analysis of cash transactions over a certain period, in
order to check whether it has recorded all cash received and therefore the
balance which gives this account, it corresponds to what is physically in Safety
in cash, checks or proof.Also it serves to determine whether internal controls
are being properly due to this the June 25, 2015, in the afternoon, a general
case tonnage agency Mapasingue Procredit Bank under the responsibility of the
supervisor of banks.
It made an interview with the manager employee (Julia Zuiga) she account all
the cash in front of the supervisory, finding the following, total in cash or
guarding was $ 4,561.34 which was to be delivered to custody vault, which
belonged to the remaining loose the day June 26, 2015, It is evaluated the
support documents back up the cash, It is concile and signs the cash count.
In conclusion due to Julia orgnizacin no difference either positive or negative,
this is important when working with money because in the case of missing
money box custodian must replace that value not more than two business days,
this also affects your resume regarding your job responsibility in case there is
surplus also notifies the risk department and attached to the folder of the
a recommendation is important that the money is always organized to avoid
shortages or surpluses, concentration and organization are two important things
you should have a money costodio not to present novelties in a cash count and
will not affect your job performance, it is recommended to take proper control of
documents supporting transactions this will help in case there is a difference
and correct the error later

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