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Program outcomes are the abilities, knowledge, skills and perspectives that a

student should attain by the time they are able to graduate. The College of
Engineering of National University presented twelve program outcomes to be
attained by the students when they leave the university. I admit that these program
outcomes are too many to be all achieved but there are some that I already have.
The program outcomes that I already achieved are program outcomes a,b,e,g,h,i,j,k,
and l. These are the program outcomes that I used to comply with all of the
requirements given by our professors. I also used these program outcomes to be
able to work effectively within the group. It gave me a proper mindset to pass most
of my exams to be able to pass the course and move on to the next one. I will
further polish those program outcomes for me to become a better product of our
university by the time I graduate. There are still six program outcomes left out of
the twelve that I need to focus on. In order to achieve those things, I think that I
should think more of the advantages that I am going to have if Im able to attain
those by the time I graduate. I also think that still have much time left in this
university to achieve those things. These program outcomes are very vital to each
student of National University for it will reflect to what kind of students the
university produces. Therefore, students should make sure that they have a copy of
the program outcomes and take time to read and internalize in their free hours.

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