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1)Programmatic linkage

Dominated in democratic competition

Can structure programmatic linkages with voters

2) Clientelist linkage

Involves 2 different circuits of exchange :

Resource rich but vote poor (where we have the politicians

with money in exchange for material favors)
Vote rich but resource poor (here we have material
incentives before and after elections in exchange for
surrending their vote
Clientelist linkage involves reciprocity and voluntarism but also
exploitation and domination


Differences between 1 and 2:

Clientelistic politics is personalist and programmatic politics not
Clientelist politics undercuts democratic accountability and
programmatic politics creates it
Clientelist politics establishes very tight bonds of accountability and
3)Charismatic linkage

Charismatic politicians-they tend to promise all things to all people

to maintain maximum personal discretion over the strategy of their
party vehicle
Charisma is a quality of personal authority that is difficult to sustain
in a party or movement says WEBER in 1978

Please correct my mistakes if I have (for example the countries up)

I dont think I understand very well the text. I need to read it more times.
But I did a small schedule to send you.


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