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The mad seller, "based in the potato eaters"

One day a poor family, didn`t have money to buy food so they went to the greengrocer`s
and steal some potatoes. The seller called the police and telled them that a family steal his
merchancy, the police didn`t pay atention to the seller and hag up the phone. The seller
decided to take revenge of the family and get back his potatoes so he tried to follow the
clues that sent him to the house were the family lived.
The family was in the house when the seller entered with a gun and he threated the
family to die, if they didn`t give him the potatoes. All the members of the family started
to run out of the house. The seller started to follow them and shot them. The family ideate
a plan to kill the mad seller. The plan consisted in: the littlle girl made sounds to attract
the seller, and the seller started to run her, the mum hitted the seller with a stick and
throwed the body to the sea.
At the end of the day, the family ate the potatoes and never,anyone, talked about the

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