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Background of the Business

The proposed venture would be called Fun Boat.
Basically, it will be of a service-type course which
centralizes in sight-seeing or tourism. It would become
accessible at Panguil Bay just beside Cotta Shrine, the main
tourist and historical spot within the heart of Ozamiz City.
Market Feasibility
Fun Boat caught the interest of 87% of the total
respondents in putting the venture into realization.
Consequently, Fun Boat will be patronized since it is
completely a new feature that progresses the beautification
and attraction of Cotta Shrine.
Technical Feasibility
A total of five boat paddle boats will be utilized at
the start of the Fun Boat operation. Each fun boat is
designed to have mp3 players and can carry a maximum of six
passengers that will be charged P20 per head.
Financial Feasibility
The Fun Boat will have an estimated capital requirement
of PHP 890,421.00 which will be provided by the proprietor.
Moreover, it is assumed that the business will have a profit
of PHP 202,176060 in its first year of operation.
Management Feasibility
Fun Boat is a sole proprietorship type of business in
which the owner will also be the manager. Overall, eleven
employees will help in the conduct of the business. The
proposed venture is expected to become fully operational
after five months.
Socio-Economic Feasibility
benefits from Fun Boat by providing fun and recreation to
its customers, giving additional income to some residents by
hiring them as employees and will help promoting the tourism
industry of the city.

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