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Dip in the pool, by Roald Dahl

William Botibol, the main character is in a long ship trip by the ocean.
In the night the passengers use to bet about the distance that the ship will
move forward according to the weather conditions.
Once there in the auction the auctioneer said that the distance will be about
five hundred fifteen miles and will finish at midday.
So, William waited calmed while other people was making their bets but
suddenly everything went quiet and silent and that was the time for William
reaction, he offered two hundred pounds.
Then Mr. Botibol signed a check that made everything valid and went to
sleep with a huge smile in his face.
Early in the next morning, Botibol was excited about the last night, he
imaged how beautiful will be get back home with a nice and expensive new
car, he dreamt about how happy Ethel will be when he returned with such a
good new.
But when he looked through the window he realized that the sea was perfect
and the ship would move faster and with no difficulty.
Mr. Botibol though that with that weather conditions he could lose
everything he did last night so he created a plan.
He was determined to leap to the sea. That makes the ship stop for one
When he came into the ships bridge he saw a fat lady standing on the deck
and he though his plan was completely fucked up.
He got close to the lady and asked her about the auction of the night before,
but the lady didnt know anything about that.
William realized that his plan was still ahead and said goodbye to the lady
adding that he will do some sports.
Finally he decided to leap.
The lady saw him but she didnt do anything.
Minutes later, a skinny lady got close to the fat one and told her she was
looking for her for hours.
The fat lady told her that a man had leapt, he is a strange man, he went
swimming completely dressed up she added.
The two ladies decided to go away and one said to the other look at the
man I told you, he is a really nice one, he is saying hello to me even when
he is practicing.

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