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Head: Chandra Gupta, Samudragupta was a great warrior and conquest with passion,.

wanted to unite all of India under his control. The Gupta territories expanded so greatly under his
reign that he was compared to great conquerors such as Alexander the Great. Chandreaupta II.
Had al ot of trade with foreign merchants extensive contanct with Euopean merchants as far as
Rome. They built free hospitals and encouraged advances in medicine. They performed the first
inoculations. Had a number system.
Hands: Scientist proposed that the earth was a rotating sphere before Columbus. They also
calculated that the length of a solar year as 365.358 days. Greatest paintings of the period were
found on the walls of the Ajanta Caves illustrates the life of Bubbha. First architect to build the
Hindu temples, they were towers and had elaborate carvings.
Ribs: The Gupta Empire had free hospitals. They had schools and universities. One of the
famous universities was in Nalanda in northeastern India. The houses in the Empire were made
from wood or bamboo. The nobles and kings even lived in houses or places made from wood or
bamboo. The empire had small villages thats what most people lived in.
Pen: Literature Vedas. Most of the literature was poetry and drama. Formal essays were
composed on subjects ranging from grammar and medicine to math and astronomy. Best known
essay of the period is the Kamastura.
Autopsy1. By the fifth century the empire had began to shrink when the White Huns took over
Northern India. By 500 the Huns had taken over western India messing up there trade
with the Rome.
2. The Gupta Empire went through many invasions by the nomadic people which had
weaken the empire.

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