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Last Will and Testament of Alexia Reid

I, Alexia Reid, of 1100 Eastway Dr, do hereby make, publish

and declare this to be my Last Will and Testament to
Garinger High School, hereby expressly revoking all wills
and codicils heretofore made by me.

I, the testator/testatrix, write this will with the intent of

setting forth my wishes for the disposition of my estate after
my departure from Garinger High School. As of the date of
this will, I am of sound mind and am totally capable of
determining my own affairs.

I. I appoint my friend, Amaree Williams, as executrix of my

will. If unable or unwilling to act, or to continue to act, as
executor of my will, I then appoint as personal
representative of my will.
II. I direct that my executor pay all of my lunch fines, only
until the end of the school year has ended. Also to finish out
my classes until the end of the semester.

III. As to my personal possessions, and chattels, which I will

leave behind in the wake of my departure, I, here-and-now,
direct my executor to distribute by assets as follows
-As to my personal social media accounts and my cell
phone, I would like to leave that with my best friend
Amaree Williams
-As to all my class notes and also workbooks, I leave
that in the possession of my younger brother Jonathan

Reid, so that it may help him during his high School

-As to my book bag, pens, pencils and un-used
notebooks, I will leave that in hands of friends Ej
Alexander, who will be attending school in the spring.
- As to my coffee cups and also tea cups, I would want
that to go to my older sister Desjourn Reid, she will
need them in college.
-As to my graduation pictures, would like them to stay
with my mother Taniesha Reid and my father Jonathan
Reid. They will need those the most.
-Lastly to all the memories made, I would like all the
friends I made here at Garinger High School to hold
onto them.


residing at 1100 Easyway Dr, being of sound mind and legal
capacity, do hereby make and appoint
Gloria Cousar of Jersey City my true and lawful power-ofattorney, to act in my name and place if I am become
seriously ill and unable to make decisions for myself.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereto set my hand and seal
this 23rd day of November, 2015.
Alexia Reid


Robert Harden


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