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Otto von Bismarck had a lot of power and ambition.

sought to extend Prussia throughout the German states which
meant unification of German states and the elimination of
Prussias rival, Austria. Although nominally equal in practice, the
empire was dominated by Prussia. It stretched across the northern
two thirds of Reich. With 17 out of 58 votes in the parliament,
Prussia needed only a few votes from the small states to exercise
effective control. Germany had become a threat to France. France
saw its dominance on the continent of Europe eroded by Prussia
crushing victory over Austria in the Austro-Prussian war. Napoleon
III had failed to take the opportunity to demand Prussian consent
to French territorial expansion in exchange for France neutrality.
When Napoleon asked annexation of Belgium and Luxembourg
after Prussia had already defeated Austria, Frances neutrality was
no longer needed by Prussia. The conflict was a culmination of
years of tension between the two nations. The public release of an
EMS dispatch which played up alleged insults between the
Prussian King and the French Ambassador. This inflamed public
opinion on both sides. France on July 19 declared war on Prussia,
however other German states joined Prussias side of the war.
Napoleon took personal command of the army, at which he had
no skills at this level of military action. As well, he ignored sound
military advice from others. As a result due to his due to his
incompetence he was trapped and captured on 2 September 1870
and led to the battle of sedan. The superiority of the Prussian and
German forces was

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