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Brandon Dickens

ENC 2135
November 23, 2015
Final Reflection on Project #1
In the beginning, I really struggled with this first project and my first two drafts were way
off the mark. At that time, my paper was weak and too broad to reach any impact or
understanding to the reader. Talking with Professor Bradley in my conference meeting after my
second draft had a momentous impact on my paper. Even though we were only able to get
through the first couple pages, I understood the changes I needed to make throughout my paper. I
had to focus more on Reddit and filter out all of the excess information that does not tie back into
it. This left a lot of work for me to do in a relatively short amount of time, which pressured me
into creating a sloppy, but drastically improved third draft.
After receiving the constructive criticism provided by my teacher after the third draft, I
was able to make the proper revisions to complete my paper. Prior to the final draft, I lacked intext citations and my opening and closing paragraphs were both very weak. I read through her
notes and made corrections on the mistakes that she noticed, as well as other mistakes that I
noticed after completing 2 other projects and further developing my writing skills.

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