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Online learning is other option for students to improve their knowledge.

As a lecturer, I also encourage my students to learn English by online.

For instance, I suggest them to surf MyLinE website.
For your information, this website provides additional resources for learning in English for
academic and professional purposes.
Besides that, it does also provide a platform for selfaccess interactive learning.
The learning process will be more attractive and interesting instead of learning in class.
There are many activities provided in this website.
The most attracted me is the student forum site.
This is a place for sharing of experience and ideas as students in a university.
They can express their views and opinions on academic and non-academic issues, seek
assistance or they can communicate with other fellow students.
The other one is Correct My English site.
This is a platform where students can post a short text that has written and other users could
help correct the text.
I believe that this is one of the affective ways of learning but yes, there will be pro and cons.
It depends on the students to decide.

There are different between the students who practice online learning and who are not.
For my students who are practice online learning, they have improved a lot.
Thats why I ask all of my students practice online learning.
This is compulsory for them and extra credits will be given.
I would like to advise all of the students to take this opportunity to improve their knowledge
not only in English but in all fields of study.
Please use the technology for good purposes that will give benefits to you, especially in your

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