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Pow is for bringing things up with exponents

X^2 = pow (x, 2)

X^5 = pow (x, 5)

Operations are performed between operands of the same type.

If not the same type, C++ will convert it.
Hierachy of Conversion:
o Long double
o Double
o Float
o Unsigned long
o Long
o Unsigned int
o Int
Type Coercion: automatic conversion of an operand to another data type
Promotion: convert to a higher type
Demotion: convert to a lower type
o Char, shorts, and unsigned shorts automatically promoted to int
o When operating on values of different types, it goes to the higer one.


DataType is the type of data that you want the value to be

Value is the variable that we want converted

double number = 37;

int val;
val = static_cast<int>(number);

Multiple Assignment and Combined Assigned
sum = sum + 1
sum + = 1

Formatting Output

Can control how output displays for numeric, string data:

o Size
o Position
o Number of digits
Requires header file iomanip
Stream Manupulators
o Used to control how an output field is displayed
o Some affect just the next value displayed:
Setw(x): print in a field at least x spaces wide.
o Some affect values until changed again:
Fiexed: use decimal notation for floating-point values
Setprecision(x): when used with fixed, print floating- point value
using x dogots after the decimal.

C++ passes over spaces
Use getline to include strings with spaces
Ex: getline (cin, name) ;
Use cin.get () to allow you to cin any character even if it is a white space (space,
Ex: cin.get (ch);

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