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Bramhall Queensgate Bowling Club (BQBC)

Byelaw No 1 (Ref Club Rule 11.4)

Authorisation of expenses
As agreed by the committee on 21st May 2015
In the running of the club there are three types of expenses:-

1) Known regular expenses that need to be paid, hence all these payments will
be made by the Treasurer as necessary.

2) One off costs may be incurred throughout the year with regards to the green,
the clubhouse or the gardens these are to be discussed and agreed between
the relevant Committee Member/s and payment made by the Treasurer.

3) Exceptional expenditure relating to Club, it will be necessary to inform the

Members and gain the agreement of the Committee before any costs are

Authorisation of cheques and withdrawals from club accounts.

All cheques and withdrawals from club accounts must be signed for by two of the
authorised members
The authorised members will be the Treasurer and two other members.

This Byelaw to be reviewed and agreed annually by the BQBC committee at its first
meeting in the new calendar year.

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