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Alondra Rivera
Professor Downey
HLP 1081

STDs are one of the worse cases that often occur among humans since the 20th
centuries. STDs stand for Sexual Transmited Diseases. In an article by Dr. Ananya Mandal,
MD she expresses that STDs can also be defined as infections that can be transmitted by a
sexual touch with an infected person. There are two different types of STDs, bacterial, and
viral; these three break down to be many kinds of STIs (Sexual Transmited Infections), and they
all can lead to painful death, but also some can be cured.

Bacterial STIs, are bacterias that are transmitted from person to another person in the
process of sexual intercourse or oral. Bacterial contains 3 types of infections, which are
Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and syphilis. Chlamydia causes burning while urinating, viginal/ penis
discharge, abdominal pains, and itching. Gonorrhea causes viginal bleeding, burning when
urinating, and itching. Syphilis is caused in four stages, primary (open sore on the genitals, anus
or throat), secondary (after primary, mimic of flu symptoms and may provoque hair loss), latent
(After primary and secondary, no symptoms) and tertiary ( internal or external sores,
cardiovascular or mental health problems, death, if not treated). This infections can be cured and
treated immediately with antibiotics.
Viral STIs are viruses that infect a person by having sexual relationships with another
person one that is infected. In general viral infections involve many different parts of the body at

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the same time (Sexuality and The Viral STIs are genital herpes, Human
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Hepatitis B, and Human Papillomavirus (HPV). Genital herpes
causes the genitals to itch, fever, headaches, bisters with sometimes painful sores, painful
urination and can leave burning. Human Immunodeficiency (HIV) causes Acquired
Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) which is a collection of symptoms all together at the same
time. These symptoms are weight loss, fatigue, night sweats, loss of appetite, constant diarrhea
and recurring yeast infections. Hepatitis B causes chronic infections, liver scarring, liver cancer.
This STI can speed the destruction of the liver if the person infected drinks alcohol. Human
Papillomavirus (HPV) causes genital warts, precancerous lesions, cancers, sexual difficulties,
and changes in the body image. These STIs cant be cured, but they can be treated with
medications, also they can be prevented with vaccines.

In conclusion, STDs are very serious infections that nobody would like to have or go
through. There are certain ways to prevent them from happening such as using condoms or
dental dams. By using this items, it will decrease the chance of any transmission of disease or
even getting pregnant. STDs can be cured but also some of them can be treated.

Work Cited

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"Viral STIs-STDs." The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada
(SOGC), 2012. Web. 2015.
"Bacterial STIs-STDs." The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of
Canada (SOGC), 2012. Web. 2015.
"STD." AzoNetwork, 08 Feb. 2010. Web. 15 Nov. 2015.

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