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Legal, ethical, and environmental consequences


We need to be aware of a variety of legal, ethical, and environmental issues

related to the generation, conversion and transmission of energy.

This issue relates to individual homes as well as on a global scale. Some

examples are: disposing of batteries, global warming, inefficient incandescent
light bulbs.

Every kind of generation, conversion, and transmission has some legal,

ethical, and environmental issue related to it.

Even alternative energy sources can have negative environmental effects.

Wind farms in western Canada are affecting: wildlife (rare species of bats,
birds), humans (low frequency noise damage), and aesthetics. Ice buildup on
blades during winter months can fly off and cause property damage or injury.
Communities can be displaced and natural vegetation can be destroyed.

Hydroelectric reservoirs cause rotting vegetation which produces significant

amounts of green house gases. In some cases the destruction of sacred
native lands have caused disputes with native cultures (Three Gorges Dam,
China, James Bay Project, Quebec).

Geothermal energy can cause noise pollution, dissolved solids in steam

quickly erode pipes, natural steams contain many green house gases, not
easily transported

Student Activity (add to site):

Chose 1 of the following activities to complete:
1. Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper from the perspective of a cabin
owner in Come By Chance who has to abandon his cabin and hunting areas due the
construction of a new oil refinery.
2. In Letter format to whom it concerns, Complete the following statement: I do not
agree with building hydro electric transmission lines through a national park area
3. List some of the environmental, ethical and legal impacts of energy creation,
conversion, transmission and consumption.

Dear Editor,
I am writing concerning that an oil company wants me to move my cabin so
they can put an oil refinery there. This cabin means a lot to the family. It has been in
the family for years. I hunt here and know the land so it would be a big setback if I
had to move. If the company puts this oil refinery here it will destroy the
environment. All of the animals in this area would be affected.
I do not have a lot of money to build a new cabin and the area I am in is
excellent for moose, duck, geese, and bear. If I move to a new area I may lose all of
these animals. I would be very upset knowing that the cabin my Grandfather had
built and has been in the family for 40 years was going to be destroyed to provide
for other people. I hunted here with my Grandfather when I was a small child. This is
where I first went hunting so this place is deep in my heart.
I think if I was going to take their house because I wanted to hunt there they
wouldnt like it so why should they be able to take my cabin. I would really
appreciate it if you could talk to them about it

From: Joshua Grandy

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