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Multi-Level Service Design: From Customer Value

Constellation to Service Experience Blueprinting

Hugo Silva Pereira, MESG
The article presents several Design Models for Services, commenting
on how they interact with each other in different approaches and levels.
However, the authors suggest that none of these models have a specific
approach on a multi-level design (MSD) scale. By multi-level service scale,
we understand as a cloud of different services, to which the client must go
through, in order to achieve a given value proposal.
According to the authors, for companies, an MSD approach enables a
new kind of corporate performance, as well as an optimal value proposition
for the customer. In order to achieve this, organizations should take into
account, not only the remaining services the customer may use during their
experience path, but an integrated service layout with those organizations
as well.
The outcome of this methodology is a new model named the
Customer Value Constellation (CVC). Essentially, CVC is a service design
tool, containing a set of service offerings and respective interrelationships,
enabling customers to cocreate their experience for a given activity. With
the customer as the main actor represented in the center of the graphic
model -, the CVC model decomposes the experience, building a congregated
set of existing offers, gifting the customer with an optimized network of
organizations that will enable its final goal.
For a better understanding of this tool, the authors suggest an
application of the MSD process to a new retail service. The process was
triggered by a qualitative study 1, wishing to understand the existing levels
of customer experience. Afterwards, a constellation was defined, providing
the team with a customer activities map. This process gave the team an
opportunity to discover which activities were not being covered on the home
groceries experience. In this case, the MSD process culminated in a new
grocery service concept design, with new features.

My Opinion
This is a new methodology for me, but I must say, a rather useful one. Ive
always been a fan of networking, and Im convinced that, many times,
managers found themselves in difficult situations because they tend to see
their organization as a single player in the market. Seeking new ways to
provide customers with a differentiated value proposition, is a challenge
managers find in a crowded market, filled with high performance
competitors and demanding customers.

1 The sample was selected based on gender and divided by two main
metropolitan areas. The process was conducted through individual and focus
group interviews, observation, and utilization of the online service.

To be honest, I have not yet tried this tool, although Ive applied many
of the other methodologies described in the article. That said, I do not
possess practical knowledge in this specific method, but it strikes me as the
next step to be taken, as I am currently responsible for implementing an
experience in the marketplace.

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