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Joel Kongolo Ilunga

Prof: Daniel Baird
April, 29 2015
ENGLISH 2100 (Technical Writing)

Cover Letter
Joel Kongolo Ilunga
April 23, 2015

Office of Sponsored Projects

Salt Lake Community College
4600 S Redwood Rd.
Taylorsville, UT
Dear Director of the Office of Sponsored Projects,
I am currently a student at Salt Lake Community College majoring in Chemical engineering.
This is my second year in college. I am interested in being considered for the position of
Specialist III, Sponsored Projects.
I think I would be a good fit because I can easily follow instructions; I have the ability to work
with a broad range of diverse people and persuaded that my skills and abilities are a good fit for
the position. I am

Familiar with Microsoft office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) and Google docs
Multi-Lingual(English, French, Swahili)
I have good commutation skills
Familiar with these courses (Mathematics, Geometry, Chemistry, Trigonometry, Physics
and Biology)
Problem solving

I have attached a copy of my Resume to the application online and would like to thank you for
your consideration. I look forward to meeting with you, if you have any questions I can be
reached at
Sincerely,Joel Kongolo Ilunga.

Table of Contents

1. Technical Description: USB Flash Drive

Title description: electronic device that is used to store data on it memory.

Audience: To all the people that use the USB flash drive and those who dont.

Purpose: To describe a USB flash drive

Objectives: I want my readers to be able to picture it in their mind even without

seeing it.

2. Technical Instructions: Homemade Mayonnaise

Title description: condiment usually used when served French fires.

Audience: to all the mayonnaise consumer

Purpose: To give instruction how to make the product

Objectives: I want my readers to be able to make this product easily

3. Technical Communication and Organizational Project : Chemical Engineering

(Law of conservation of matter)

Audience: To all the people interested ok knowing the kind of writing chemical
engineers and chemists do.

Purpose: To inform by explaining the organizational culture of the field (chemical

engineering) and produce a lab report on an experiment done.

Objectives: To produce magnesium oxide and provide information about the field.


USB Flash Drive

A USB Flash Drive is a mini storage device used for storing information (data) and
can be carried easily. The data saved on the Flash Drive can be erased at any time when the
devise is plugged in or connected to a computer. The purpose of me writing this paper is because
I want to describe an electronic device that millions of people use every day and also for those
who have never seen one or used one to be able to picture the device in their mind through this
description. And of course, I am addressing this to a really large audience because this device is
of great importance now a day by the fact that it is linked to computers and millions of people
purchase computers every day.
Theirshape mostly depends on the different manufacturer that makes them and also
customers can also customize their own USB flash drive shape. But they usually have a
rectangular case shape; and each ending sides are composed of different components. On one
side of them; is composed of a metallic shape USB port that is used to connect the flash drive to
a computer and that USB port is at his turn linked to an electronic plate that is inside the flash
drive rectangular case shape. On the other side is composed of a system that allows people to
annex the flash drive to a key chain. (See figure below)

Weigh and Length

More often, these devices dont exceed 30 grams(Wikipedia, 2015, April 11, para
1). They also often have a length range of 4 to 5 cm.

The storage is referred to as the amount of data that could be saved on the device
memory. The companies that made them produce them categorizing them by capacity of memory
(e.g. they go from 8 MG to 512 GB and 1 TB). (Wikipedia, Storage Capac
ity, 2015, April 11)
These devices are of great importance because they made the storing of data
practical and an easy transportation instead of carrying a computer, it is easier to only transport
this device with all the data on it. They are also made of resistant materials and weigh pretty
much nothing which is good because there is less chances of it to break when dropped on the
floor. But the inconvenience of this device is the fact that it can be easily affected by virus and
spyware agent that is capable
ble to destroy the data on the device memory.


Figure: up here is a USB flash drive that has a 4GB memory capacity. Reprinted from


USB Flash Drive. (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved April 23, 2015,

Ilunga 1

Homemade Mayonnaise
Mayonnaise is a white cream sauce used to accompany a meal (see figure below). The
purpose of me writing this instructional paper is to give a recipe that will help people make their
own mayonnaise at home without having to go and get a merchandise one from a grocery store.
Actually mayonnaise can be made easily by anyone if only they follow the steps correctly. There
are many types of recipes for making mayonnaise but I am going here to describe one of the
easiest recipes for this product. I am coming from the Democratic Republic of Congo known as
used to be a Belgian colony in the past. As Belgium is known to be the European country that
eats a lot of mayonnaise that habit was also passed to us Congolese. Usually mayonnaise is used
when served French fries (which we called in French pommes frites).
Following here are the supplies needed to make mayonnaise: a couple of eggs yolk,
mustard, one coffee spoon, one small oil bottle (this can be any oil that you desire), a whisk, and
a bowl recipient.
The first step is to get a bowl recipient and poor the eggs yolk in it following by one full
coffee spoon of mustard. The second step is to add oil simultaneously to the solution while
stirring it with a whisk. From here, the amount of oil that needs to be poured into the solution
depends on the quantity of mayonnaise you want to make. Besides that, the solution needs to be
stir until it become creamy and consistent. Once you have these results, you can go ahead and
taste the product you made if its taste good then you are good to go if not you can go ahead and
restart the process form the very beginning until you get better results.
After that, the product is ready to be served accompanying a meal, especially with French
fries. The United States is also known of eating a lot of French fries accompany by fried sauce.

Ilunga 2
Mayonnaise is often mixed with ketchup sauce to make fried sauce which also has an equilibrate
taste between those two last ones.


Figure: Up here is an illustration of what the mayonnaise should look like once it
ready to be eaten. (Image taken by Joel Kongolo Ilunga)

Lab Report on the Law of Conservation of Mass

The purpose of this experiment was to produce a white substance of magnesium oxide by
burning a sample of a pure magnesium metal in air. This combustion reaction resulted in
producing a solution mixture of magnesium oxide and a black substance of magnesium nitride.
Then after adding 10 drops of distilled water, the mixture was heated and magnesium nitride
disappeared in form of a gas in the air. The white substance of magnesium oxide remained in the
crucible with a total measured mass of 0.0387 grams. In order to make sure that the obtained
mass was constant, the substance was heated a second time and the mass remained unchanged.

Key words: Magnesium Oxide, Combustion, Magnesium Nitride, Nitride, Crucible

Chemical Engineering Overview

First of all, chemical engineering is one of the most important fields in engineering for societies
and companies. This field has a huge playground of manifestation, this implies that most of the
chemical engineering work are focused on health and environment (i.e. fabrication of penicillin
in the medical field and manufacturing of ammonia) to keep our communities safe and in good
Studying chemical engineering is worth more important because once you enroll and commit
yourself to be educated in this area you make a decision to help so many lives on this planet
earth and this will open to you different opportunities which can be:
-Medical devices, petrochemical or oil refinery,
- House hold products (laundry detergents, paper products etc...),
-oil and gas production,
-Water, hygiene and energy technology,
-natural gas pipelines and midstream operations,
-Special chemicals,
-mining and processing of minerals.
From the information provided above, it is evident of how huge the area is. The chemical
engineering field provides all those areas in which you have the choice in what you want to work
in. Here is a report of one of the simplest project in a lab on the process of conservation of mass.

1. Law of conservation of mass

Antoine Lavoisier (1743-1794) is heralded as one of the fathers of modern day chemistry
partially because he was the first scientist to propose the Law of Conservation of Mass. This law
states that the total mass of products resulting from a chemical reaction can be neither more nor
less than the total mass of the starting reactants. In other words, mass is neither gained nor lost

during a chemical reaction. (Salt Lake Community College Department of Chemistry: Lab
Experiment. Law of Conservation of Mass, February 2, 2015)
1.2 Objective of the experiment
In this experiment, the objective is to produce magnesium oxide by burning a sample of pure
magnesium metal in air and to verify the law of conservation of mass by using the stoichiometric
equation. (Salt Lake Community College Department of Chemistry: Lab Experiment. Law of
Conservation of Mass, February 2, 2015)
1.3 Protocol
1.3.1 Safety protocol
In order to perform this specific experiment in the lab, it is required to wear safety glasses, and a
lab coat.
1.3.2 Equipment and chemicals
Here are some equipment and chemicals needed for this experiment: magnesium, distilled water,
glass detergent, a medium ring, a ring stand, a ceramic triangle, a Bunsen burner, a crucible with
its lid, a balance, a piece of sand paper or steel wool, tweezers, a medicine dropper or pipet, a
waste container, and a paper towel.
1.3.3 Procedure
1. The first thing to do is to attach a medium ring to a ring stand. Then place a ceramic triangle
on the ring and a Bunsen burner under the ring. Secondly is to obtain a clean, dry crucible and its
lid. The crucible with its lid are supposed to be placed in the triangle and heated with a hot flame
for two minutes. After that, the crucible needs to be removed from the triangle and then placed
on wire gauze to cool. When performing that action, the crucible must not be dropped or
contaminated. The crucible and its lid need to be transferred separately to avoid accidents. From
this point the crucible and the lid must not be touched with hands. Once the crucible is cool, it
has to be weigh and the mass has to be reported on a data sheet.
2. From there on, a strip of magnesium metal has to be sanded with a piece of sand paper or steel
wool to remove the surface oxide layer. The strip can be either cuts into small pieces directly into

the crucible or rolled with tweezers in a coil and placed in the crucible. The crucible with the
magnesium inside has to be weigh and the mass recorded on the data sheet; this step is very
important because the mass of the magnesium will be found by subtracting the mass of the
crucible containing the magnesium with the mass of the empty crucible. Then the crucible and its
contents (without the lid) are placed into the ceramic triangle over the Bunsen burner and heated
strongly by positioning the ring so that the bottom of the crucible is about 0.5 inches above the
tip of the inner blue cone of the flame. Once the magnesium ignites, the lid can be placed slightly
ajar, on the crucible. For safety reasons, magnesium burns with an intensely bright flame that can
damage the retinas of the eyes so its dangerous to stare directly at the flame!
After a while the magnesium flame will subside, and then the crucible is ready to be removed
from the flame, and placed on the wire gauze and allowed to cool. If necessary, the residue in the
crucible can be delicately broke into small pieces with the tip of a metal spatula. But no residue
has to be stacked to the spatula or it will contribute to experimental error.
3. After the crucible is cool, 10 drops of distilled water must be added with a medicine dropper
or pipet to the gray residue in the crucible and the gas given off can be smelled, but carefully. If a
piece of moist red litmus paper is held close to (but not touching) the mixture, the basic ammonia
gas will turn the paper blue.
4. The next step is to place the crucible with its lid slightly ajar on the triangle over a low flame
to evaporate any water present then once the sample appears dry, the flame has to be turned to
high and continue the heating for five minutes. After that, the crucible has to be removed from
the flame and allowed to cool for at least 10 minutes. Then weighed and record its mass.
5. To make sure that it is a constant mass, the crucible has to be reheated and allowed to cool
again and reweigh. If the mass does not change after the second heating, the constant mass has
been reached. But if the mass does change, the process needs to be repeated until a constant mass
is achieved. Finally, the residue can be disposed in a waste container, then the crucible is ready
to be cleaned with glass detergent and rinsed with distilled water, and a paper towel is needed to

dry it. (Salt Lake Community College Department of Chemistry: Lab Experiment. Law of
Conservation of Mass, February 2, 2015)

1.4. Results
1.4.1 Data Sheet of Experiment
Mass of empty crucible : 27.4347 grams
Mass of crucible plus magnesium : 27.4602 grams
Mass of Magnesium metal

: 0.0261 grams

Mass of crucible plus MgO (first heating) : 27.4728 grams

Mass of crucible plus MgO (second heating) : 27.4728 grams
Mass of MgO residue (Experimental Yield) : 0.0387 grams
1.4.2 Calculations
Using the equation below and the amount of Mg used in the experiment, the mass of MgO that
theoretically should have been produced can be calculated. This is known as the theoretical yield.
2Mg(s) + O2 (g) ---->2MgO(s)
0.0261 g X (2moles MgO /2moles Mg) X (40.31g/moll MgO / 24.31g/moll Mg) =0.043278 g
Approximately: 0.0433 grams of MgO(s)
Calculation of the percent yield of MgO that was actually produced:
Percent Yield = (Experimental Yield/Theoretical Yield) X 100
PY= (0.0387g/0.0433g)X100% = 89.37 %
1.4.3 Discussions of results
The results show that in the process of conservation of mass, the experimentation was not a
failure only because we lost a small amount of matter about 10.63% of the original mass which is
normal in chemical reactions. That loss of matter can be explained by the fact that during the
experiment 10 drops of distilled water were added to the solution which resulted in a mixture of
magnesium oxide and magnesium nitride, then magnesium nitride was burnt in the air; and also
because of some experimental errors introduced during the test.



Prof. Daniel Baird

Joel Kongolo Ilunga

Re explanation of the
organizational culture
in my field.

I am starting by saying that I'm studying engineering and this is

an explanation of what can be seen as the culture that most engineers
share in their everyday life as part of the company or organizational
value. Firstly, the most basic thing that all engineers are required to be
aware of and be prepared for is the accident that could happen any time;
because accidents can occur without prevention, it is imperative that all
safety rules be observed by everyone regardless of their title or position
in the company, and this is generally referred to as "Safety First".
Secondly, if I take the example of metallurgical engineers working
either in operations or in the research and development department of a
company, they are required to produce very good and high quality
products, otherwise, a product presenting some aspects of impurity will
make the company lose a lot of money (i.e. in the process of copper
production, it is required to produce a copper metal that has 99.9999 %
of copper because less than that the product will be considered as
impure). Therefore, quality is one of the values that most engineers
consider in their daily activities.
As a third point; in part of the culture in the company of the
person I Interviewed, they work freely without any interference. They
have liberty in performing their work, and if you are responsible of a
project you are free to make decisions at your level without having to
consult the manager, unless you need help then you can ask the manager
or supervisor. Therefore, employees have total control of the projects

they are working on. Within the company, this is referred to as a

mutual respect and trust.
As part of their culture, some companies have also an everyday
meeting program; in which they discuss the risks they will be facing
when working in the installations (laboratories, mines, etc.). They make
sure everybody knows the work they will be performing that day and
discuss how and what they need to take as preventions to overcome all
the risks (i.e. when working in the mine, everybody needs to wear a
hard hat, steel toed shoes, safety glasses etc.).
They also have a protocol system called "Safe Operating
Procedure" or SOP. This protocol serves as a guideline for performing
specific tasks in a safely manner.
And most companies restrict their employees to providing these types of
documents to an outsider of the company; this can also include
documents like day-to-day memos, reports on whatever projects they
are working on or have worked on in the past. These engineers are also
required to produce a report on every project they worked on which
includes the following outline:

An abstract;

The objectives of the experiment, protocol, results of the

experiment, and discussion of the results.

And the last aspect is all about how people get rewarded. For
those who work hard and complete on time all their assigned tasks or
projects, follow all the safety rules, and produce high quality products;
at the end of the year, they can be rewarded with a bonus going from
$ 3000 to 5000 or by seeing an increase of their annual salary in the
range of 3 to 5 %, and if lucky enough maybe a promotion as well.

American Institute of Chemical Engineers. (n.d.) The global home of chemical engineers.
Retrieved February 2, 2015 from
Bastian, N. (n.d.) Salt Lake Community College Department of Chemistry: Lab Experiment.
Retrieved February 2, 2015 from

Joel Kongolo Ilunga

I am seeking a challenging part time position with Salt Lake Community College, in
an effort to contribute my knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Associate of Science Chemical Engineering
High School diploma Biochemistry

Jan 2014-Present
Jun 2013

Relevant Courses


Skills and Abilities

Microsoft Office
o Word
o Excel
o PowerPoint
Customer Service
Internet Research

Problem Solving
Cash Handling
Basic Accounting
o English
o French
o Swahili

Mon 2011-Mon 2013
Manager Assistant
Answered phone calls for reservations and other matters
Handled projects effectively, making sure tasks assigned were followed properly
Sent out mail, organized files and kept workplace clean for a good atmosphere
Handled cash, assisted new clients as needed
Recorded data of items going in and out of the stock using computer database

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