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Escuchemos el cuento Paginas 13 Huey, Dewey y Louie se ensucian mucho comiendo el delicioso pastel de Grandma. (El chocolate mancha hasta el libro de su hijo! Grandma y Daisy les traen agua, jabén y una toalla para que se laven. Asegrese de que su hijo sefiale con el dedo a cada patito segun van siendo mencionados. Huey se lava la cara (face), Dewey se lava las manos (hands) y Louie se seca (crying) la cara con una toalla. Esto es lo que usted podra escuchar en la cinta: Jiminy Cricket: Hello! Jiminy Cricket here. Who is on the front of Book 6? & Huey, Dewey, and Louie! Open Book 6 to page 1 and begin! 1 © Huey, Dewey, and Louie are eating Grandma's yummy chocolate cake. But what's on their hands? a Chocolate! ‘Their hands are covered with chocolate, And what's on their faces? & Chocolate! ‘Their faces are covered with chocolate, too. ‘And look! What's on page 1 of your book? & Chocolate! What dirty little hands! What dirty litte faces! 2 * Here come Grandma Duck and Daisy. What is Grandma carrying? & A bucket of water. What is Daisy carrying? @ A towel and soap. 3 © Huey is washing his face. Scrub, scrub, scrub! Dewey is washing his hands. Serub, scrub, scrub! Louie is drying his face with the towel. Look at the water. It's very soapy. * Look at Huey, Dewey and Louie now. They're all clean! “Scrub, Scrub, Scrub” (corresponde a la pagina 3) Pidale a su hijo que se frote la cara en la primera estrofa y las manos en la segunda. What a dirty little facet What a dirty little face! Soap and water will work just fine. Scrub, scrub, scrub your dirty litle face, ‘And soon your face will shine, ‘Soon your face will shine! What diny litle hands! What dirty litle hands! Soap and water will work just fine. Scrub, scrub, scrub your dirty litle hands, ‘And soon your hands will shine, Soon your hands will shine! Paginas 4 5 Estas paginas comienzan con el estribillo de la cancién “Clean-Up Time" “Clean-Up Time” (corresponde a las 4 y 5) Refrain: It's clean-up time, clean-up time! Everyone, come work along! And while we all are cleaning up, We'll sing this cleaning-up song! ‘Tras haber escuchado el estribillo una 0 dos veces, su hijo debe proceder a escuchar la descripcion de lo que hace cada personaje para limpiarse después de haber comido y responder a las preguntas de la cinta. Asegurese de que sefiale la parte correcta del dibujo mientras responde a las preguntas en voz alta. Repita esta parte de la cinta si su hijo muestra alguna dificultad al escucharla por primera vez. Nota: Ciertos verbos en inglés se componen de dos palabras (clean up, pile up, put away, fold up, pick up, throw away). En muchos de estos casos cuando estos verbos compuestos tienen complemento directo, dichos complementos pueden situarse indistintamente entre ambas palabras o después de ellas (por ejemplo, Mickey is putting the dishes away 0 Mickey is putting away the dishes). Esto es lo que usted podra escuchar en la cinta: 4-5 * It's time to clean up! Look at Pluto. Pluto is piling up the plates. Ave the plates clean or dirty? The plates are dirty Look at Donald. Donald is washing the dishes. He's washing the dirty plates, the dirty glasses, and the dirty spoons, forks, and knives. Look at Daisy. What is Daisy doing? # Daisy is drying the dishes. Yes, she’s drying the dishes with a towel. ‘What is she drying now—a plate? a spoon? a A glass. She's drying a glass. Look at Minnie. What is she doing? & Minnie is piling up the plates. Are the plates clean or dirty? & They're clean. Minnie is piling up the clean plates. Look at the plates shine! Look at Mickey. He's putting the dishes away. He's putting them in the picnic basket. What's he putting away now? & Spoons, forks, and knives. Look at Goofy and Clarabelle. What are they folding up? # The blanket. Yes, they're folding up the blanket. Look at Huey, Dewey, and Louie. What are they picking up? a Papers. That's right! Huey, Dewey, and Louie are picking up papers. Where are the papers? & On the ground. Yes, the papers are on the ground. They'te going to throw the papers away. Look at Grandma Duck. Grandma Duck is throwing away the garbage. 1s everyone busy working? Is everyone helping to clean up? & No, not everyone. Who isn’t working? a Gus Goose, of course. Gus is taking a nap in the hammock. Lazy, lazy Gus! “Clean-Up Time” (corresponde a las paginas 4 y 5) Asegiirese de que su hijo interprete las palabras de la cancién mientras canta las diferentes estrofas. En la primera estrofa, debe inolinarse (bend down) y hacer como si recogiera los papeles (pick up the papers) y los tirara (throw the papers away). En la segunda estrofa, debe inclinarse y hacer como si doblase la manta (fold up the blanket) y la guardara (put the blanket away). En la tercera estrofa, debe hacer como si lavase los platos (wash the dishes) y los secase (ory the dishes). Refrain: It's clean-up time, clean-up time! Everyone, come work along! And while we all are cleaning up, We'll sing this cleaning-up song! O) Bend down and pick up the papers ‘And throw the papers away. Bend down and pick up the papers And throw the papers away. (Refrain) @ Bend down and fold up the blanket ‘And put the blanket away. Bend down and fold up the blanket ‘And put the blanket away. (Refrain) (G) Wash the dishes and dry the dishes ‘And put the dishes away. ‘Wash the dishes and dry the dishes ‘And put the dishes away. (Refrain) Paginas 6 e7 Estas paginas comienzan con la pregunta "What's wrong with this picture?” (zQue errores tiene e! dibujo?). Aunque las paginas 6 y 7 se parecen mucho a las paginas 4 y 5, existen importantes diferencias de detalle. Pidale a su hijo que sefiale con el dedo las partes correctas del dibujo mientras contesta las Preguntas en voz alta. Repita esta seccién si tiene dificultades al escucharla por primera vez. Esto es lo que usted podrd escuchar en la cit * What's wrong with this picture? Look at Pluto. What's wrong? a, Pluto's eating a plate! Look at Donald. He's washing the dishes. What's wrong with the picture? a ‘The water is green. Look at Daisy. She's drying the dishes. What's wrong with the picture? Daisy is drying the dishes with Minnie’s skirt Look at Minnie. What's wrong with the picture? & Minnie is throwing the plates on the ground. The clean plates! Look at Mickey. What's wrong with the picture? & Mickey is putting away the garbage! He's putting the garbage in the picnic basket! Look at Gooty and Ciarabelle. They're folding up the blanket. What's wrong with the picture? a Goofy is wearing a dress! Look at Huey, Dewey, and Louie. What's wrong with the picture? a Huey, Dewey, and Louie are dropping papers on the ground. Look’at Grandma Duck. What's wrong with the picture? a Grandma Duck is throwing away apples and bananas. Look at Gus Goose. What's wrong with the picture? Gus is sleeping under the hammock! 6 Practiquemos las frases y el vocabulario nuevo En esta pagina le presentamos a su hijo los materiales necesarios para fabricar un pinwheel (molinillo). En el Treasure Chest encontrard el papel, el palo y el alfiler. Deberia colorear la pagina como figura a continuacién. Esto es lo que usted podra escuchar en la cinté “Making a Pinwheel” tg Look at Huey, Dewey, and Louie. They're blowing ot on pinwheels. When they blow, the pinwheels go . around and around. Color the pinwheels red. & Do you want to make a pinwheel, too? ‘You will need: a piece of paper, scissors, a pin, and a stick. Look at the picture. =~ Color the piece of paper green. & Color the scissors gray. Color the pin yellow. & Color the stick yellow, 100. a. Activity Book 2, paginas 30 y 31 En estas paginas, Mickey explica paso a paso cémo construire! molinilo Las ilustraciones en la pagina muestran cémo debe realizar cada paso. Los nifios pequetios precisarén mucha ayuda en esta actividad, pero los mas mayores puede que logren construir su molinillo con sélo seguir las ilustraciones y las instrucciones de la cinta, Pidale a su hijo que sople su molinllo una vez terminado. Esto es lo que usted podra escuchar en la cinta: 1. Hold the piece of paper the way Mickey is holding it. 2, Fold the paper the way Mickey is folding it. & 3, Fold the paper again. a 4. Now, unfold the paper. « Do you see the folds? 5. Take the scissors and cut along the four folds. Cut only up to the yellow circle. 6. Now do what Mickey is doing, Bring every other corner to the middle. Hold the comers in the middle with your fingers. Your mother can help you. 7. Put the pin through the middle of the pinwheel. 8. Take the stick. There's a hole n the stick. Put the pin through the hole. Your pinwheel is done. Now blow on it, and it will go around and around! Activity Card K Minnie necesita que le ayuden a limpiar la casa y a ordenar las cosas. Antes de que su hijo comience la Activity Card, pidale que diga el nombre de todos los Stick-Ons que sepa. Deberia saberlos todos, excepto apron (delanta), Pidale que no aba las puertas hasta que se le indique, La Activity Card terminada (con las puertas abiertas) debera ofrecer un aspecto semejante al de Iailustracién que figura a continuacion, Esto es lo que usted podré escuchar en la cinta: Minnie is cooking and cleaning, Will you help her? ‘The bottle of milk goes in the refrigerator. Open the refrigerator. a. Put the bottle of milk away. a. The book goes in the bookcase. Put the book away. & Minnie’s skirt goes in the closet. Open the closet. « Put her skirt away. & The plates go in the cupboard. Open the cupboard. & Put the plates away. a. ‘The mat goes outside. Open the door to Minnie’s house. & Put the mat outside the door. a. Minnie is cooking a chicken. Where does the chicken go? a It. goes in the oven. Open the oven. & Put the chicken inside, & Find Minnie's apron. & Don’t put Minnie's apron away. Put it on Minnie. & Now Minnie is all ready. She can clean up her house. El inglés en Ia vida diaria ee £1 vocabulario para implary recoger es muy corte en cualquier casa, Cuando limpie o recoja con la ayuda de su hijo, pidale que le diga en inglés lo que él o usted estan haciendo. & Right Light Check - Paginas Esto es lo que usted podra escuchar en la cinta: 4.The towel is dirty. & 2.Mickey is folding the shirt. & 3.Minnie is putting the blanket away. & 4.Gooty is throwing his sweater away. & Estas son las frases para la totalidad de las ilustraciones: Jiminy Cricket: And now, sentences for all the pictures. Listen, point, and repeat. 1. The towel is dirty. The towel is clean. 2. Mickey is folding the shirt. Mickey is holding the shirt 3. Minnie is putting the blanket on the bed. Minnie is putting the blanket away. 4. Gooly is putting his sweater away. Gooty is throwing his sweater away. +) Suhijo ya sabe decirle qué esta recogiendo, empleando una frase ‘completa en inglés. ;Se imaginal Asegiirese de que su hijo le diga “ “Lam putting away the tapes” (estoy recogiendo las cintas), “/ am putting away the Stick-Ons” (estoy recogiendo los Stick-Ons), mientras recoge los materiales de la clase. 0 Repaso antes de dormir Haga que su hijo escuche el cuento “Clean-Up Time” (La hora de la limpieza) en la cama, con los ojos cerrados. Esto es lo que usted podra escuchar en la cinta: Now get into bed, close your eyes, and listen to the story. The name of the story is: “Clean-Up Time.” After Huey, Dewey, and Louie eat Grandma's yummy chocolate cake, they have very dirty hands and very dirty faces. They wash their hands and faces in lots and lots of soap and water. They scrub and scrub until they're clean. Then everyone helps clean up. Pluto piles up the dirty plates. Donald washes the dishes. Daisy dries the dishes. Minnie piles up the clean plates. Mickey puts everything away in the picnic basket. Goofy and Ciarabelle fold up the blanket and put it away. Grandma throws away the garbage. And Huey, Dewey, and Louie pick up the papers from the ground and throw them away. Only Gus doesn't help. Gus is very tired after lunch. He gets into the hammock and takes a nap. n 2 No olvide repetir el Repaso de la Leccién 1 antes de dormir y de pasar a la Leccién 2. Pidale a su hijo que siga el cuento en su libro. Después, puede tratar de contarlo él mismo. Yo estaré por aqui escuchando. Esto es lo que usted podra escuchar en la cinta: Pagina 9 Donald tiene suefio, asi que se tumba en su hamaca para dormir una siesta (Preguntele a su hijo qué otro personaje suele tomar la siesta. La respuesta, obviamente, es Gus). Esto es lo que usted podra escuchar en la cinta: a 9 * Donald is very sleepy. © Look! He's yawning. * Now Donald is climbing into the hammock. ‘What is he going to do? & He's going to take a nap. Pagina 10 Mientras Donald duerme y ronca, un péjaro, dormido en su nido, suefia con el pajaro al que ama. Expliquele a su hijo que una nube sobre la cabeza de un personaje durmiendo indica el contenido de sus suefios. Esto es lo que usted podra escuchar en la cinta 10 * Donald's eyes are closed. He's sound asleep. Listen! Donald is snoring, Look up in the tree. The little bird is sleeping, too. She's dreaming about another little bird—the bird she loves. Shh! Quiet! Don't wake the litle bird up! “Hush! Hush! (corresponde a la pagina 10) “Hush!” quiere decir *isilencio!", al igual que “shh!”. Pidale a su hijo que realice el gesto de “Shh!” No olvide que debe sofialar las partes correspondientes del dibujo mientras canta la cancién. Refrain: ‘The little bird is sleeping, Hush! Hush! Don't say a word, Sleeping in her nest, Or you'll wake the sleeping bird. Dreaming of another bird, Hush! Hush! Don't make a sound! —_The one she loves the best. Hush! Hush! Don't walk around! (Refrain) Paginas 11 y 13, Donald suefia que est pescando y que atrapa once peces, cada uno mayor que el anterior. En la pagina 12, su hijo practicaré las formas del comparativo bigger (mas grande) y del superlativo biggest (el més grande) y smallest (el mas pequerio). En la pagina 13, debera sefialar a cada pez segin los vaya contando, Esto es lo que usted podra escuchar en la cinta: 1 ‘* Look! Donal is dreaming, too. He's dreaming that he's fishing, 12 * Donald dreams that he catches a fish. Point to the fish. a. © Then Donald catches another fish, This fish is bigger than the first fish. Point to the bigger fish. a ‘© Then Donald catches another fish and another and another. ‘And each fish is bigger than the one before. How many fish does Donald catch? Ten? Twenty? Athundred? 13 * Donald catches all of these fish. How many are there? Count them and see. &. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, Donald catches eleven fish. Point to the smallest fish. & ‘That's the first fish that Donald caught. Point to the biggest fish. a. That's the last fish he caught. Paginas 14 y 15 Donald suefia en esta ocasién que un pez enorme lo tira al agua y se va nadando con su bote y toda su pesca. Pidale a su hijo que repita la expresion “Poor Donald!” (;Pobre Donald!) Esto es lo que usted podra escuchar en la cinta: 14 * Donald puts his line in the water again. ‘Suddenly, something starts to pull on his line-something very big! * Donald pulls very hard—as hard as he can, What an enormous fish! * Donald pulls very hard, but the fish pulls harder. ‘The fish pulls Donald into the water—SPLASH! 15 * Look! The fish is swimming away with Donald's boat and all of Donald's fish! Poor Donald! He sadly swims to shore—without a boat, without a fish, “Donald’s Dream” (corresponde a las paginas 11 y 15) En esta cancién se narra el suefio de Donald. Al final, Donald se pregunta: “Why did I want more fish?" (Por qué queria yo mas peces?) « 2 Donald dreams he catches a fish Then Donald catches number five ‘And then he catches another. ‘And number six and seven. ‘And the second fish he catches is ‘And still he keeps on catching fish ‘Much bigger than the other. Unt he has eleven. ‘And number three is bigger stil, ‘And every fish he catches is ‘And so is number four. Much bigger than before. But Donald keeps on fishing But Donald keeps on fishing Because he stil wants Because he still wants ‘More fish, more fish, more fish, More fish, more fish, more fish, More and more and more! More and more and more! ® Now number twelve, she is so big ‘She pulls him into the water. ‘And as she pulls his boat away, He's sorry that he caught her. Without a fish, without a boat, He sadly swims to shore. ‘And Donald keeps on thinking: “Oh why did I want More fish, more fish, more fish, More and more and more?” 6 Pagina 16 Daisy, Mickey y Minnie despiertan a Donald diciéndole que no ha sido mas que un mal suet. Esto es lo que usted podra escuchar en la cinta: 16 * Look! Minnie, Daisy, and Mickey are waking Donald up. Minnie: Wake up, Donald! Daisy: Wake up, Donald! Mickey: Wake up, Donal! Wake up, Donald! It's only a bad dream. Practiquemos las frases y el vocabula @ Juego de identificacién de sonidos nuevo Pidale a su hijo que identifique los sonidos de la cinta. Se trata de sonidos para los que su hijo ya conoce las palabras inglesas. Esto es lo que usted podra escuchar en la cinta: Listen! That's a sound! Listen! That's another sound! ‘There are lots and lots of sounds. Do you know these sounds? Now listen carefully. What's this? a Whistling! Very good! Now what's this? 4 Knocking! Who's there? What's this? & Clapping! Good! What's this? a A balloon breaking! Uh oh! Is it Chip and Dale again? What's this? & Splashing! Don’t splash me! What's this? a Humming! What's this? a Laughing! What's this? Yawning! I'm so sleepy. Are you sleepy, too? What's this? & Snoring! Shh! Not so loud! Now, let's listen to them all again! Whistling! Knocking! Clapping! A balloon breaking! Splashing! Humming! Laughing! Yawning! Snoring! ” Activity Book Activity Book 2, pagina s2 En esta pagina, su hijo aprender algunos nimeros ordinales: frst (orimero}, second (segundo), third (tercero), y last (titimo). Practicara, ademas, la forma comparativa (terminada en “-er’) y los superlatives (terminada en “-est") de los adjetivos. Su hijo debe emplear su crayén negro para colocar un numero a cada uno de los peces que ha capturado Donald. También debera colorear algunos peces en la forma que se le indica. La pagina, una vez terminada, debera ofrecer un aspecto semejante al de la ilustracién que figura a continuacién. Esto es lo que usted podra escuchar en la cinta: ‘These are the fish from Donald's dream, How many are there? Count them and see. & Twelve, | * oo That's right, There are twelve fish in all. Point to the smallest fish. ‘Take your black crayon and make a 1 on the fish. The number 1. a, Now point to the next fish. & This is fish number 2, Make a 2 on fish number 2. Now put numbers on the other fish 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9, 10, 11,12. 4 Which fish is the biggest? & Number 12 is the biggest. Which fish is the smallest? & Number 1 is the smallest. Color fish number 1 green. a. Color fish number 2 yellow. & Color fish number 3 orange. a. Color fish number 12 pink, & Now look at the picture, ‘The first fish that Donald caught was green, Point to the first fish he caught-the green one. & ‘The second fish that Donald caught was yellow. Point to the second fish that Donald caught-the yellow one. & ‘The third fish that Donald caught was orange. Point to the third fish that Donald caught-the orange one. & Donald only caught eleven fish. Donald did not catch the last fish-the pink one. Point to the last fistt-the fish that Donald did not catch. a Which fish is the smallest? a The first fish. Which fish is the biggest? & The last fish. Which fish is bigger-the second fish or the third fish? a The third fish, Activity Book 2, pagina 33 En esta pagina, se ilustra a diferencia entre los verbos dream (sofia y think (pen- sar). Scrooge, Goofy y Pluto aparecen dormidos y sofiando. Huey, Dewey y Louie estén despiertos pensando en ir a jugar béisbol. La pagina coloreada deberd ofrecer un aspecto semejante al de lailustracién que figura continuacion. Esto es lo que usted podra escuchar en la cinta: Scrooge is asleep. He's dreaming. What is he dreaming about? & Money, of course. ‘Scrooge is dreaming about money. Color Scrooge’s bed gold. & Goofy is asleep, too. Is Goofy dreaming? & Yes. Yes, he is. What is Goofy dreaming about? a Food, of course. If Goofy is dreaming about food, he must be hungry. Color Gooty’s bed red. & Pluto is asleep, too. Is Pluto dreaming? Yes, Pluto is dreaming, too, What is he dreaming about? a A big bone! Color Pluto's bone brown. & Color Pluto brown, t00. ‘Are Huey, Dewey, and Louie asleep? No, they're not asleep. They're awake, What are Huey, Dewey, and Louie thinking about? a ‘They're thinking about playing baseball 4 Right Light Check - Pasina 17 Esto es lo que usted podra escuchar en la cinta: 7 Daisy is sleepy. & Pluto is awake. & Goofy is dreaming. & Mickey is digging without a shovel. & SEDO Estas son las frases para cada una de las ilustraciones: Jiminy Cricket: And now, sentences for all the pictures. Listen, point, and repeat. Daisy is sleepy. Daisy is angry. Pluto is awake. Pluto is asleep. Goofy is dreaming. Gooty is thinking Mickey is digging without a shovel. Mickey is digging with a shovel. Repaso antes de dormir Repita la cancién “Donala's Dream” para su hijo. 20 Escuchemos el cuento Paginas 18 y 19 Los personajes se dividen en dos equipos. Pidale a su hijo que identifique a los personajes de cada equipo. ,Qué equipo le parece mas fuerte (strongen’? UE de Mickey 0 el de Donald? {Qué equipo va a ganar (win)? Esto es lo que usted podrd escuchar en la cinta: 18-19 ‘* Why is everyone carrying that rope? What are they going to do with it? They're going to have a contest. They're going to see which team is stronger. «This is Mickey's team. Look at Goofy! He thinks he’s very strong! ‘This is Donald's team. Look at Grandma Duck! ‘She's holding Donald up in the air. Grandma must be very strong! Which team is stronger—Mickey’s team or Donald's team? Which team is going to win—Mickey's team or Donald's team? a Paginas 20 y 21 ‘Amos equipos tiran de la cuerda con todas sus fuerzas. Mickey le pide a su ‘equipo que sujete con fuerza ("Hold on tight!”). Grandma le pide a su equipo que no suelte (“Don't fet go!) Esto es lo que usted podra escuchar en la cinta: 20-21 © Mickey's team holds on to ‘one end of the rope. Donald's team holds on to the other end of the rope. And they pull—as hard as they can! "Hold on tight!” shouts Mickey. “Don't let go!” *} shouts Grandma, “Pull, Pull, Pull the Rope” (corresponde a las paginas 20 y 21) Pull, pull, pull the rope. Pull with all your might! Harder, harder, don't let go! Hold on very tight! Paginas 22 y 23 Los dos equipos sueltan la cuerda al mismo tiempo y caen de espaldas. El {equipo de Donald es tan fuerte (ust as strong as) como el equipo de Mickey. El equipo de Mickey es tan fuerte gust as strong as) como el equipo de Donal Ninguno de los dos equipos gana y ninguno de los dos pierde (nether team wins and neither team loses). Esto es lo que usted podra escuchar en la cinta: 22 22-23 ® It looks as if Mickey's team is going to win! © But wait! Now it looks as if Donald's team is gaing to win! * Look! Mickey's team let go of the rope! Donald's team let go of the rope, too. Neither team wins. Neither team loses. Mickey's team is just as strong as Donald's team. Donald's team is just as strong as Mickey's team. Practiquemos las frases y el vocabulario nuevo Activity Book Activity Book 2, pagina 4 En esta pagina, su hjo pod practicar las comparaciones de iqualdad: as + adjetivo + as (tan + adjetivo + como), de superioridad (er) y 1 supariativo (-est’) de los adjetvos. La pagina, una vez terminada, deberd ofrecer un aspecto semejante al de la ilustracién que figura a continuacién, Esto es lo que usted podra escuchar en la cinta 3, Mickey has drawn a line. Minnie has drawn a tine, too. | Fei, Color Mickey's line green. a. * Color Minnie’s line blue. & Is Mickey's line longer than Minnie's? a No. Is Minnie's line longer than Mickey's? a No. Mickey's line is just as long as Minnie’s. Minnie's line is ust as long as Mickey's. Draw a red line—just as long as Mickey's line and just as long as Minnie’s line. & Donald has drawn a circle. Daisy has drawn a circle, too, Whose circle is bigger—Donald's or Daisy's? Daisy's is, Draw another circle—a very big circle. Your circle should be bigger than Donald's circle and bigger than Daisy's circle. a Now look at the three circles. Daisy's circle is bigger than Donald's. Your circle is bigger than Daisy's. Your circle is the biggest of all. Whose circle is the smallest? & Donald's is. 23 Activity Book 2, pagina 35 Minnie, Mickey, Donald y Daisy han pescado algin pez en su excursién de pesca. Debajo de cada uno de los personajes encontrara un espacio para que su hijo escriba el numero de peces que ha pescado cada uno de ellos. En este ‘#jercicio se practican las comparaciones de igualdad: as many + sustantivo + as (tantos + sustantivo + como) y las formas more + sustantivo + than (mas + sustantivo + que) y the most (el que més). La pagina, una vez terminada, deberd ofrecer un aspecto semejante al de la ilustracién que figura a continuacién, Esto es lo que usted podra escuchar en la cinta: Mickey, Minnie, Donald, and Daisy just went fishing, to. e How many fh dd Mickey etch? & Mickey caught two eh, as g Wt the ruber 2 nthe box andor Mikey. a How rary fh hd Mini cate? Mie caught wo fh to. | 8 2 Write the number 2 under Minnie. a ~ How many fish did Donald catch? & Donald caught three fish. . oe Thats nigh He caught one or eh than Mickey | and one moe foh than Minnie sae Ora | Wt the number 3 the box under Donald. 4 3 $ How many Teh did Daly cate? Daly aught four fh the ng eames en Cans testa to anc more th then Min. ely caught the most fe of everyone Va festa 4h oe box reer ay Who caught just as many fish as Mickey? & Minnie did, ‘That's right! Minnie caught just as many fish as Mickey caught. Who caught more fish than Mickey? & Donald and Daisy did. ‘Yes, Donald and Daisy caught more fish than Mickey. ‘Now, draw a circle around the one who caught the most fish, a, Who caught the most fish of everyone? a Daisy did, Now, color the picture. a Juego de comparaciones Su hijo debe jugar a este juego con usted y uno o dos de sus teres. Tome de diez a quince botones y distribayalos entre los jugadores, incluyendo a los titeres. No entregue a todos los jugadores ol mismo numero de botones. Después, pidale a su hijo que cuente el numero de botones de cada jugador y que diga, por ejemplo “Mother has five buttons” (Mi made tiene cinco botones) 0 “Keni has two buttons” (Keni tiene dos botones) 0 "t have six buttons” (Tengo seis botones). Debe proceder, entonces, a formular com. paraciones entre el nimero de botones de cada uno de los jugadores. Por ojem- plo: “I have as many buttons as Mother” (Tengo tantos botones como mi madre) © “Kenji has more buttons than Akko” (Kenji iene mas botones que Akko), Una vez que haya enunciado todas las frases que sepa, reparta otra ver los botones para comenzar de nuevo. 2 Juego con titeres En esta actividad, necesitara una cuerda con la que representar la soga de la que tiran ambos equipos. usted y su hijo deben ponerse un titere cada uno y tepresentar la secuencia de acontecimientos mientras escuchan la cinta. El titere de Mickey representa al equipo de Mickey y el de Donald al de Donald. Una vez que hayan representado la version del libro en la que ninguno de los dos equipos gana ni pierde, pueden divertirse un rato tratando de comprobar cual de los dos titeres es mas fuerte (es decir, cudl tira con més fuerza de la cuerda). Su hijo debe decir: “Donald wins!” (iGana Donald!) o “Mickey loses!” (iMickey pierde!) 0 “Mickey is stronger than Donald’ (Mickey es mas fuerte que Donald), dependiendo, naturalmente, del resultado de la competicion. »& Right Light Check - Pacina 28 Esto es lo que usted podra escuchar en la cinta: 24 1. Daisy is just as strong as Donald. & 2. Goofy holds on. & 3. Grandma is pulling the horse. & 4, Mickey wins and Donald loses. & Estas son las frases para latotalidad de las ilustraciones: Jiminy Cricket: And now, sentences for all the pictures. Listen, point, and repeat. 1. Daisy is stronger than Donald. Daisy is just as strong as Donald. 2. Goofy holds on. Goofy lets go. 3, Grandma is pushing the horse. Grandma is pulling the horse. 4, Mickey wins and Donald loses. Donald wins and Mickey loses. Fa Escuchemos el cuento Pagina 25 Los equips de Mickey y Donald se preparan para un partido de béisbol. Cada uno de ellos piensa que es mejor (better) que el otro. Pidale a su hijo que identifique a los jugadores de cada equipo. Esto es lo que usted podré escuchar en la cinta: 25 ‘It's time for the baseball game! Mickey's team is going to play Donala’s team. Which team is better? Mickey's team thinks they are better than Donald's team. ‘Our team is better than your team!” says Mickey. Donald’s team thinks they are better than Mickey's team. “Our team is better than your team!” says Donald. Paginas 26 y 27 ‘Se compara la habilidad de ambos equipos a la hora de lanzar y atrapar la pelota. Esto es lo que usted podra escuchar en la cinta: 26~27 ‘* Watch Goofy throw the ball There it goes! Pluto catches it! Pluto is a good catcher. * Watch Daisy throw the ball There it goes! ® | Does Donald catch the ball? & No, he doesn't, Who is a better catcher— |. || Pluto or Donald? # Pluto is. ‘Who throws the ball harder— Goofy or Daisy? & Daisy does. Paginas 28 y 29 Minnie batea la pelota a lo alto de un arbol. Va a parar al nido de un pajaro. Grandma lleva el marcador. Gus va a ver el partido, Esto es lo que usted podra escuchar en la cinta: 28-29 ‘© Watch Minnie hit the ball There it goes! Where's the ball? Can you find it? & ‘There it is! Up in the tree, in the nest! Look at the birds. They're very surprised. Gus is sitting under the tree. Point to him. a He's not going to play baseball He's going to watch. Grandma is the scorekeeper. Shes goirg fo keep score. She's going to write the score on a piece of paper. Where is the piece of paper? a On the tree. Grandma is going to write with a pencil. Point to Grandma's pencil a Which team is going to play better—Mickey’s or Donald's? Which team is going to win—Mickey's or Donald's? ar “The Baseball Song” {corresponde a las paginas 26 y 27) Cada uno de los equipos piensa que es mejor que el otro en todo: que lanza con mas fuerza, batea mas lejos, atrapa mejor y corre mas de prisa. Pidale a su hijo que gire la cabeza cada vez que cante una frase negativa de la cancién (*No, it isn't"; “No, you don’t’) y que sacuda la cabeza en vertical cada vez que cante una estrofa afirmativa (“Yes, it is!"; “Yes, we cho!”, "Yes, we are!"; “Yes, we will”) Refrain: ‘We're better catchers than you are. Our team is better than your team. No, you're not! Our team is better than yours. Yes, we are! Yes, we are! No, it isn’t! ‘And we're faster runners, too. Yes, itis! No, you're not! No, it isn’t! Yes, we are! Yes, we are! Yes itis! Our team is better than yours! (Refrain) We throw harder than you do. We'll play better than you wil No, you don't! No, you won't! Yes, we do! Yes, we do! Yes, we willl Yes, we will ‘And we hit much farther, too. ‘And we'll win the game today! No, you don't! No, you won't! Yes, we dol Yes, we do! Yes, we willl Yes, we will (Refrain) (Refrain) 20 Paginas 30 y 31 Ambos equipos estan listos para empezar. Aseglitese de que su hijo sefiale con el dedo a cada uno de los personajes, segun van siendo mencionados. En estas paginas, su hijo repasar los términos first (primero), second (segundo) y third (tercero), y aprendera fourth (cuarto) y fifth (quinto}. Esto es lo que usted podrd escuchar en la cinta: 30-31 © Everyone is ready. Donald's team is up to bat. Huey is the first batter. Dewey is the second batter. Louie is the third batter. Donald is the fourth batter. And Daisy is the fifth batter. What is Huey holding? a A bat. Huey is holding a baseball bat. Point to Mickey. & Mickey is at first base. Point to Clarabelle. &Clarabelle is at second base, Point to Minnie. a Minnie is at third base. What is Goofy holding? & A baseball Yes, Goofy is holding a baseball. Goofy is going to throw the baseball. Who is the catcher? & Pluto is. Pluto is going to catch the ball What is Grandma holding? @ A pencil Grandma is holding a pencil because she's the scorekeeper. She's going to keep score. - What is Gus going to do? & Gus is going to watch. ‘That's right. Gus is going to watch the game. 29 Paginas 32 y 33 Se trata de la misma ilustracién que figura en las paginas 30 y 31 con la Gnica excepcién de que faltan (missing) ciertos objetos. Si su hijo muestra difcultades al responder a las preguntas, repita esta seccién varias veces. Esto es lo que usted podra escuchar en la cinta: = Point to Goofy. a Goofy is going to throw the ball. Uh oh! Where's the ball? The ball is missing, Look at Gooty’s feet. What else is missing? a Goofy’s shoes. Goofy's shoes are missing. Huey is up to bat. Point to Huey. a. What's missing? & The bat! Huey's bat is missing. Mickey is at first base. He's wearing a glove. Point to Mickey's glove. Clarabelle is at second base. Is Clarabelle wearing a glove? & Yes, she is. Point to Clarabelle's glove. & But wait! What's missing? ‘Second base! Yes, second base is missing. Point to third base. Who is at third base? & Minnie is. What's missing? & Minnie’s glove. Yes, Minnie’s glove is missing. Who is going to keep score? a Grandma is. Point to Grandma. & What's missing? & Her pencil That's right! Grandma's pene is missing, Paginas 34 y 36 En béisbol, si golpeas con el bate yno le das a la pelota se dice que has cometi- do un strike Si hay tres strikes consecutivos, se esté out (fuera). En las paginas 84 a 86, Goofy hace de lanzador para Huey. Huey comete dos strikes antes de conseguir golpear la pelota por encima de la cabeza de Mickey. % Esto es lo que usted podra escuchar en la cinta: 34 * Goofy throws the ball Huey swings the bat and misses! Grandma: Sire 1! 35 * Goofy throws the ball again. Huey swings the bat and misses again! Grandma: Sinko? 36 * Goofy throws the ball again and Huey hits it! Does Mickey catch the bell? & No, he doesn't! a Paginas 37 e 38 Tras golpear la pelota, el jugador corre por tantas bases como pueda con el riesgo de ser eliminado por algin jugador del equipo contrario con la pelota. En Jas paginas 37 y 38, Huey pasa por la primera base, por la segunda, y llega hasta la tercera, momento en que Grandma grita "Safe!” (salvad). Esto es lo que usted podra escuchar en la cinta: 37 * Huey starts to run. He runs to first base. He runs to second base. Mickey throws the ball to Clarabelle. Huey starts to run to third base. Clarabelle catches the ball. Clarabelle is going to throw the ball to Minnie. ‘Will Minnie catch the ball? Will Huey get to third base? 38 © Minnie catches the ball, but Huey is already on third base! Grandma: Safe! Practiquemos las frases y el vocabulario nuevo Activity Cards Activity Card D Su hijo probablemente recordard la Activity Card D del Book 2. Pidale que nombre a cada uno de los personajes antes de escuchar la cinta, Este ejercicio sirve para practicar first (primero), second (segundo), third (tercero), fourth (cuarto) y fast (timo). Esto es lo que usted podra escuchar en la cinta: Look at Pluto. Put Daisy in front of Pluto. a Put Donald in back of Pluto. a Put Goofy in back of Donald. a. Daisy, Pluto, Donald, and Goofy are standing in line. Who is frst in ine? a Daisy is. Daisy is first in ine. Who is second in line? & Pluto is, Pluto is second in line. Who is third in line? & Donald is. Donald is third in line. Who is fourth in line? a Goofy is. Goofy is fourth in line. Take Daisy off the card. & Take Gooty off the card. a Now, put Goofy in front of Pluto. Put Daisy in back of Donald. & Who is first in line? a Goofy is. 7 “- = - SS eels .3 mene eS 2 Activity Card E Nota: Este ejercicio puede resultar excesivamente complejo para su hij, si es muy pequefio. En ese caso, pidale que identifique los Stick-Ons por sus nombres, numero y color, Aseglirese de que su hijo intente hacer este ejercicio antes de decidir si es 0 no demasiado dificil para él. Recuerce que lo importante es que su hijo sienta ol desafio, pero sin desanimarse. Antes de que su hijo escuche las instrucciones de la cinta, pidale que identifique las casitas jittle houses) y las casas grandes (big houses) Después, puede seguir adelante. Esto es lo que usted podré escuchar en la cinta’ Find the big houses. Find the little houses. Put the two big houses on the card. a. Put a little house between the big houses. a. Is the first house big or little? I's big. Is the second house big or little? & It's little. Is the third house big or little? & It's big. Point to the first big house. a. Puta little house next to the first house-to the left. a. Point to the other big house. & Puta little house next to the other big house—to the right. & Now look at the card. Is the first house big or litle? a It's little. Is the second house big or ttle? It's big, Is the third house big or little? a It's litle. Is the fourth house big or little? a It's big. Is the fifth house big or litte? a It's litte. Juegos con la Activity Card E Con ia Activity Card y los Stick-Ons, usted y su hijo podrén jugar @ varios juegos (1) Goloque de dos a cinco Stick-Ons de un mismo tipo (por ejemplo, caras tristes © alegres) en la tarjeta, en un cierto orden. Su hijo deberd describrclono orden (por ejemplo: “The first face is happy” (La primera cara esta contenta) o “The second face is sad” (a segunda cara est triste). 0 "The third face is sa, 00" a tercera cara también esté triste) practicando de este mod los ordinales dal uno al cinco ftst, second, third, fourth, ith (2) Pidale a su hijo que le dé instrucciones sobre dénde debe colocar los Stick-Ons cen la tarjeta, por ejemplo: “Put @ happy face next to the sad face” (Pon una cara contenta al lado de una cara triste) 0 “Put a little house on top of the big house” (Pon una casita encima de la casa grande), practicando de este modo las preposiciones. Este ejercicio es avanzado y quiza sélo sea adecuado para nifios, mas mayores. (8) Escoja un conjunto de Stick-Ons (por ejemplo: caballos negfos y blancos) y Ccoloque cinco de ellos en la tarjeta sin ensefiare a su hijo el orden en que los ha colocado. Debe tratar de descubrirlo formulando preguntas del tipo: “ls the first horse black?” (ZEl primer caballo es negro), “Is the second horse white?” (JEL segundo caballo es blanco?}. Este ejercicio también encierra una cierta dificutad. 4) Coloque todos os Stick-Ons de un mismo tipo (por ejemplo, las rosas) en la tar. jeta y muéstresela a su hijo. Después, pidale que cir ls ojos. Retire uno de los Stiok-Ons y vuélvale a mostrar la tarjeta preguntandote “What's missing?” (gQué falta?). Deber tratar de recordar o que habia originalmente y responder Giciendo, por ejemplo: “One red rose is missing” (alta una rosa rja) 0 “Two white roses are missing” (faltan dos rosas blancas). Continue retirando Stick-Ons y preguntandole a su hijo, en cada ocasion, qué es lo que falta 3s Activity Book Activity Book 2, pagina 96 En esta pagina se practican los ordinales del 1 al § y se repasa la pregunta “Which?” (goual?). Se le pide a su hijo que cibyje (un gusano y un sombrero) y que coloree. Después, debe contestar en voz alta a las preguntas de la cinta. Tenga en cuenta que el plural de mouse es mice Esto es lo que usted podra escuchar en la cinta: Color the fist bia Blue. a Color the second Bd Brown, WK Draw a worm in the second bird's mouth. = Color the nest yellow. a, Diba Now find the three cars. ‘The three cars are waiting at the traffic light. Color the first car blue. a Color the second car green. & Color the third car black. & e968 Oo 8 ‘There are four turtles, The turtles are going on a picnic. S ‘The first turtie is wearing a hat. Color the hat pink. & Is the second turtle wearing a hat, to0? & No, he’s not. |s the third turtle wearing a hat? & Yes, he is. Color the third turtie’s hat yellow. a Point to the fourth turtle. a. Is the fourth turtle wearing a hat? a No, he isn’t wearing one. Draw a hat on the fourth turtle. & Color it orange. & ‘There are five mice. The mice are carrying balloons. ‘The mice are going to a birthday party. Point to the first mouse. a Color his balloon red. a. Point to the second mouse. 4 Color his balloon purple. a. Point to the third mouse. Color his balloon blue. & Point to the fourth mouse. Color his balloon green. & Point to the fifth mouse. a Color his balloon yellow. & Now look at the pictures and answer these questions: Which bird is blue-the first bird or the second bird? The first bird. Which bird is carrying a worm? & The second bird. What color is the second bird? a Brown. Which car is blue—the first one, the second one, or the third one? & ‘The first one is blue. Which car is black? & The third one. ‘What color is the second car? a Green, 26 Which turtles are wearing hats? The first one, the third one, and the fourth one. Which turtle is wearing a pink hat? & The first one. Which turtle is wearing an orange hat? & The fourth one. What color is the third turtle's hat? a Yellow. Which turtle is not wearing a hat? & The second turtle Ave all the mice carrying balloons? & Yes, all the mice are carrying balloons. What color is the first mouse’s balloon? 4 Red. What color is the fifth mouse’s balloon? a Yellow. Which mouse is carrying a blue balloon? & The third mouse. Which mouse is carrying a green balloon? & The fourth one. Why are the mice carrying balloons? a. Because they're going to a birthday party, Activity Book 2, pagina 37 En esta pagina aparecen cuatro ilustraciones. A cada una de ellas le falta una parte esencial. A su hijo le encantara dibujarlas. La pagina, una vez torminada, deberd ofrecer un aspecto semejante al de la ilustracién que figura a continuacion. Esto es lo que usted podra escuchar en la cinta: ‘What's missing in this picture? Look at the car, What's missing? a A wheel is missing Draw a wheel on the car. & Look at Donald. He's fishing, but he’s not catching any fish. What's missing on Donald's fishing pole? & The string, The string is missing. Draw the string on Donald's fishing pole. Look at Huey. Huey wants to swing, but he can't, Why can't he? & Because one of the chains is missing. Draw a chain on the swing. & Look at Pluto. Pluto wants to wag his tail, But he can't. Why can't he? & Because his tail is missing. Draw a tail on Pluto. & ” o& Right ight Check - Pagina 99 Esto es lo que usted podré escuchar en la cinta: 39 1.Mickey is a good hitter. & 2.Grandima is the catcher. & 3.Donald is throwing the ball away. & 4,Donald is second in line. & Estas son las frases para la totalidad de las ilustraciones: Jiminy Cricket: And now, sentences for all the pictures. Listen, point, and repeat. 1. Mickey is a good runner. Mickey is a good hitter. 2. Grandma is the catcher. Grandma is the scorekeeper. 3. Donald is throwing the ball. Donald is throwing the ball away. 4. Donald is first in line. Donald is second in line. Repaso antes de dormir Escuchar nuevamente la cancién “The Baseball Song”. 38 Escuchemos el cuento Paginas 40 y 43, Goofy lanza la pelota a Dewey, quien la golpea. La pelota pasa entre las pier- nas de Goofy, sobre la cabeza de Clarabelle, bajo una rama, a través de un tronco hueco, por debajo de un granjero, alrededor de un arbol y a través de la ventana del segundo piso de una casa “encantada’”. ;Crack! Pidale a su hijo que siga el recorrido de la pelota con el dedo. Esto es lo que usted podré escuchar en la cinta: 40 * Now Dewey is up to bat. Goofy throws the ball and Dewey hits it! 41 42-43 * The ball goes between under a branch, _* around a tree Gooty's legs, * through a log, and through a win- * over Clarabelle's head, ‘behind a farmer, dow! Paginas 44 y 45 Mickey y Minnie se dirigen a la casa para recuperar la pelota. De repente, el cielo ‘se pone gris y el sol se oculta tras las nubes. Comienza a llover. “Drip, drip, drop!” ‘son las palabras que se emplean para imitar el scnido de las gotas de lluvia. Esto es lo que usted podra escuchar en la cinta: * What is Clarabelle pointing at? a She's pointing at an old house. “The balls in that house!” says Clarabelle, “rl go got i” Says Mickey. “rill go with you!” says Minnie. 45 * So Mickey and Minnie start walking to the house. Look how gray the sky is! Look at all the clouds! Listen! The wind is blowing! Where is the sun? The sun is hiding behind a cloud. * “Look!” says Minnie. “A drop! It's starting to rain! Drip, drip, drop! Drip, drip, drop! Down they come, all the little raindrops! “When the Sky Is Blue” (corresponde a la pagina 45) Cuando el cielo se pone gris y las nubes negras, le pedimos al sol: “Please come back!” (Regresa, por favor). Pero sigue cayendo la lluvia. When the sky is blue, And the clouds are white, The golden sun is warm and bright, ‘And the sun keeps shining down, ‘And the sun keeps shining down. Down, down, down, Through the air, (On our faces, On our hair, Down, down, down, down, So we say, “Please, Mr. Sun, don't go away!" When the sky is gray, ‘And the clouds are black, To the sun we say, “Oh please come back!” But the rain keeps coming down, But the rain keeps coming down. Down, down, down, Through the air, On our faces, (On our hair, Down, down, down, down, Drip, drip, drop! Oh, how | wish the rain would stop! Paginas 46 y 48 \Naya un caserén con fantasmas! Creo que esperaré a mahana para entrar en él. Mickey y Minnie entran en la casa encantada y suben las escaleras, atravesan- do un gran vestibulo oscuro. De repente, desde una puerta, la pelota sale dis- parada hacia ellos. ,Quién la habré lanzado? {Un fantasma? Esto es lo que usted podrd escuchar en la cinta: 2 46 * Mickey and Minnie arrive at the house. What is Mickey pointing at? a He's pointing at a window. The glass is broken. “The ball must be up there!” says Mickey. * Minnie knocks on the door. “ls anyone home?” shouts Minnie. No one comes to the door, * Look! The door is not locked, Mickey and Minnie push the door open and go inside. 47 © The house is very old. ‘The house is very dirty The house is very dark. “mm afraid,” says Minnie, |m alraid, 100,” says Mickey. 48 * Mickey and Minnie go up the stairs. They go down a long, dark hall ‘There's a door at the end of the hall ‘They start to open the door. * Watch out! Here comes the ball “Qoo, Ooo, Ooo” (corresponde a las paginas 46 a 48) Pidale a su hijo que represente la cancion mientras la canta, llamando tres veces a la puerta, abriendo la puerta, subiendo las escaleras, atravesando el vestibulo y, por Ultimo, abriendo la puerta, Mickey and Minnie come to a house. (000, 000, 009!) ‘They knock three times on the door. (000, 000, 000!) No one comes to open the door. (O00, 000, 000!) ‘They push the door open and go inside. (O00, 000, 009!) The house is very old and dark. (O00, 000, 000!) Mickey and Minnie climb up the stairs. (000, 000, ooo!) Mickey and Minnie go down a hall. (O00, 000, 000!) The hall is very dark and long. (000, 000, 009!) Mickey and Minnie come to a room. (200, 000, 000!) They open the door and . ry Pagina 49 Mickey y Minnie atraviesan corriendo el vestibulo, bajan las escaleras y salen por Ja puerta a toda velocidad, tan de prisa que no alcanzan a ver a Chip y Dale en la ventana del piso superior. Esto es lo que usted podra escuchar en la cinta: ago * Mickey and Minnie run back down the hall * They run down the stairs... and out the door! ‘They run so fast they don't see Chip and Dale in the window. Do you see them? Practiquemos las frases y el vocabulario nuevo Activity Book Activity Book 2, pagina 96 En esta pagina hay dibujos de cuatro objetos, tres de los cuales estan rotos. Su hijo debe trazar circulas en torno a ciertos objetos y colorear otras. La pagina, una vez terminada, deberd ofrecer un aspecto semejante al de lallustracién que figura a continuacion Esto es lo que usted podra escuchar en la cinta: Look at the plate The plate is broken. Count the pieces. & How many pieces are there? & Four. There are four pieces. Draw a red circle around the plate. & Look at the mirror. Is the mirror broken, too? & Yes. ‘Yes, it is. The mirror is broken, too. = Draw a blue circle around the broken mirror. a. What else is broken? & The heart. Yes, the heart is broken, too. Color the heart red. a. One thing is not broken. What is it? 4 The bottle, The bottle is not broken. Color the bottle blue. & Activity Book 2, pagina 39 En la pagina 39, su hijo debe usar el lépiz para trazar el recorrido de una abeja que entra por la ventana. Este ejercicio sirve para practicar un gran numero de preposiciones. En la siguiente ilustracién aparece dibujado el recorrido de la abeja antes de desaparecer de la vista, Esto es lo que usted podra escuchar en la cinta: Mickey and Minnie are reading. Pluto is sitting in front of them. Point to Mickey. & Point to his book. a Point to Minnie. a Point to her book. & Point to Pluto, a Look! The window is open! 1 Listen! A bee just flew in the window. Point to the bee. Now take a pencil. a Follow the bee with your pencil. Everywhere the bee goes, draw a line with your pencil Ready? Ye The bee flies between Mickey's ears. Between Mickey's ears. & The bee flies onto Mickey's nose. Onto Mickey's nose. a | / ‘The bee flies onto Minnie’s nose. Onto Minnie's nose. & . The bee flies onto Mickey's book. a Onto Mickey's book. & ‘The bee flies between Mickey's feet. Between Mickey's feet. & The bee flies in front of Minnie’s legs. In front of Minnie’s legs. & The bee flies around Pluto’s head. Around Pluto's head. & The bee flies out the window. Out the window. & %& Right Light Check - Pagina so Esto es lo que usted podra escuchar en la cinta 50 1. Daisy is afraid. a 2. The plate is broken. & 3. It's a windy day! & 4. The bee flies between the rabbit's ears. & Estas son las frases para cada una de las ilustraciones: And now, sentences for all the pictures. Listen, point, 1. Daisy is afraid. Daisy is angry. 2. The table is broken. The plate is broken. 3. It's a rainy day. It's a windy day. 4, The bee flies between the rabbit's ears. ‘The bee flies around the rabbit's ears. Repaso antes de dormir ‘Su hijo puede escuchar la historia “Chip and Dale Play Another Trick” (Chip y Dale gastan otra broma) en la cama. Esto es lo que usted podra escuchar en la cinta: Now get into bed, close your eyes, and listen to the story. The name of the story is: “Chip and Dale Play Another Trick.” While they are on their picnic, Mickey and his friends play baseball. There are ‘two teams—Mickey’s team and Donald's team. Donald's team is first up to bat. First Huey hits the ball. He gets to third base. (Grandma: Safe!) Then Dewey hits the ball. He hits the balll very hard and very far. The ball breaks the window of a very old house. Mickey and Minnie go to the house to get the ball. They knock on the door No one comes to the door. But the door is not locked. Mickey and Minnie push the door open and go inside. The house is very dark and old and dirty. Minnie and Mickey are afraid. They go upstairs to look for the ball. They go down a long, dark hall. At the end of the hall, there's a door. The door is closed. Mickey and Minnie start to open the door. All of a sudden, someone throws the ball out the door. Mickey and Minnie don't go into the room. They don't pick up the ball. They run as fast as they can—down the hall, down the stairs, and out the door. They run so fast, they don't see Chip and Dale looking out the window and laughing, Escuchemos el cuento Pagina 51 Mickey y Minnie se encuentran en un bosque cuando deja de llover. Se ve un arco iris en el cielo. Pregiintele a su hijo cémo se dicen todos los colores del arco iris en inglés. Esto es lo que usted podra escuchar en la cinta: 51 * Look! It has stopped raining, ‘There's a beautiful rainbow in the sky. + Look! There's Minnie! What is Minnie doing? & She's smelling the flowers. What is Mickey doing? a He's smelling a pine tree. Everything smells good after it rains. Pagina 52 En la pagina 62 se realiza un repaso de las partes del cuerpo y de las cosas ue hacemos con ellas. Pidale a su hijo que sefiale con el dedo las diferentes partes de los cuerpos de los personajes conforme vayan siendo mencionados, en el poema Esto es lo que usted podra escuchar en la cinta 52 Eyes and ears Mouth and nose, Hands and feet, Fingers and toes! Eyes and ears, Mouth and nose, Hands and feet, Fingers and toes! + You see with your eyes. ‘You smell with your nase. * You wiggle your fingers ‘And wiggle your toes. + You hear with your ears. With your mouth, you can talk, * You clap with your hands. With your feet, you can walk. “Eyes and Ears” (corresponde a la pagina 52) Pidale a su hijo que actue lo més exageradamente posible mientras canta la cancién, apuntando hacia sus ojos (“You see with your eyes"), su nariz ("You smell with your nose’), sacudiendo los dados de las manos y de los pies ("You wiggle your fingers and wiggle your toes"), \levandose las ‘manos a los oidos ("You hear with your ears"), sefialandose la boca ("With ‘your mouth you can talk"), dando palmadas ("You clap with your hands’), y caminando (“With your feet, you can walk"). En el estribillo debe indicar cada parte de su cuerpo conforme vayan siendo mencionadas. Refrain: Eyes and ears, Mouth and nose, Hands and feet, Fingers and toes! Eyes and ears, Mouth and nose, Hands and feet, Fingers and toes! You see with your eyes. ‘You smell with your nose. You wiggle your fingers ‘And wiggle your toes. You hear with your ears. With your mouth, you can talk. You clap with your hands. With your feet, you can walk. (Refrain) “9 Practiquemos las frases y el vocabulario nuevo Activity Book 2, pagina 40 ‘Aqui encontramos una nueva oportunidad para que su hijo practique el aprendizaje de los érganos de los sentidos: ojos, oidos y nariz. En esta ocasién, Pluto serviré de modelo. Se le pedira que trace circulos y que colores. Esto es lo que usted podra escuchar en la cinta: Here is Pluto! Pluto is a dog, but he can see, hear, and smell—just like you and me! What does Pluto see with? a His eyes. ‘That's right! He sees with his eyes. Draw a red circle around Pluto's eyes. & What does Pluto hear with? & His ears. Yes, Pluto hears with his ears. Draw blue circles around Pluto's ears— first around one ear and then around the other. & What does Pluto smell with? a His nose. That's right! Pluto smelis with his nose. Draw a green circle around Pluto's nose. & What does Pluto smell? 4 The hot dog. Yes, Pluto smells the hot dog that Mickey is cooking, Mmm mmm! It smelis very good! Color the hot dog brown. a. so Terminemos el Book 6 Paginas 53 y 54 Es hora de volver a casa, de modo que todos los personajes regresan a los, autos. Pidale a su hijo que enumere los personajes de cada auto. Los per- sonajes dicen adiés con la mano al abandonar el campo en direccién a la ciudad. Pidale a su hijo que también él les diga adiés. Esto es lo que usted podra escuchar en la cinta: 53 * What a wonderful picnic! What a wonderful day! But now it's time to go home. Everyone gets back into the cars. *... and drives away—away from the country and back to the city! Goodbye! Goodbye! st “This Was a Wonderful Picnic” (corresponde a la pagina 54) Mickey y sus amigos cantan “This was a wonderful picnic!” (Ha sido un picnic maravilloso). “We had lots of fun” (nos hemos divertido mucho). Esperamos que su hijo también se haya divertido, This was a wonderful picnic! This was a wonderful day! We had lots of fun, ‘And now that it's done, We're very happy to say This was a wonderful picnic! This was a wonderful day! Jiminy Cricket: What a wonderful picnic! What a wonderful song! What a wonderful book! And look! You've already done six books of Basic ABC's +. That's wonderful, too! Let's clap for you! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Goodbye for now! See you soon! Repaso antes de dormir Escuche otra vez con su hijo las nuevas canciones. lw) Revision C= Acaba de terminar el Book 6, ha llegado el momento de hacer un repaso, Pidale a su hijo que: (1) repita la Right Light Check de la pagina 50 (2) repita la activity Cara K. (3) recite 0 cante una cancién © poema de entre los siguientes: * “Clean-Up Time” (Paginas 4 y 5). * “Donald's Dream” (Paginas 12 a 15). + “Eyes and Ears” (poema o cancién de la pagina 52). iFelicidades a los dos por terminar la primera mitad del Basic ABC'S +! ‘Todo Un logro! Pidale a su hijo que piense en todas las actividades en las que ha participado con Mickey y sus amigos. Pidale que describa algunas de estas actividades. Después, tome una de las estrellas doradas y péguela bajo Huey, Dewey y Louie en su Progress Chart. RECORD BOOK Escuchamos = cuca “Sera, Ser, Sera ‘Ceanllp Tine Actaty Book 2, paginas 29-31 Activity Cae k gt Light Cac ust Huth” Listen fey Bo ares ors ra eae aT fea bea papas Parc = Petty Card E ‘Atty Book 2, pga 96 ‘Aetty Book 2. pagra 37 Fight ugnt creck 2 RECORD BOOK ‘Escuchamos of conto ‘When the Sy Be 000, G0, O00" ‘etuty Bok 2 pagina 98 ‘ety Book 2 pagina 99 Fn ign Cree Saree Sores Joy Sara ina nat sonal

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