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Jessica Hampton

Prof. McGriff
ENC 1101
15 October 2015
Snow White
Once upon a time, many moons ago, there was a blustery blizzard in the middle of winter.
The snowflakes fell like blossoms from the sky. By dawn, the blizzard had ceased and the terrain
was awash in pillows of snow. The vibrant light of morning had revealed something peculiar.
Amidst the frosty foliage was a small child. She appeared unconscious yet there was no visible
harm to her body. The childs complexion was akin to the snow that engulfed her body. Her hair
was long and onyx in color, which was a stark contrast to her crimson lips, and bold blue eyes.
The child was not alone for long. A bright-eyed gentlemen and his pensive wife took notice of
the poor girl. What do we have here? The man exclaimed.
We dont have time for this, Charles. Leave the child, responded the woman.
Olivia, we cant just leave her here. Shell starve! The man became furious.
Fine, Olivia bellowed, Well take her the orphanage up the road.
Thank you, dear. The man sighed with relief. Accompanied by his wife, Charles
proceeded to the orphanage. There he met a woman by the name of Lena Huntsman. Lena was a
formidable woman with cold eyes and a sharp tongue. She looked at the orphans with contempt.
When approached by Lena, Charles was hesitant to hand the child over. The orphanage was dark,

dingy, and overcrowded. He did not want to leave the girl in such an unsuitable environment
with a stoic caregiver. After some time he concluded that he wanted to assume custody himself.
Olivia, started Charles, I think we should adopt the girl.
Oh heavens, no! Olivia shouted.
Oh Queenie, I have always dreamt of having a daughter. Do this for me. Charles
I hate it when you call me that. Besides, Im the only woman you need in your life.
By now, Charles was growing impatient. After arguing the issue with Olivia, Charles reached a
consensus on his own. He wanted the girl and he was going to have her. Charles discussed the
matter with Lena and by some miracle she agreed to the adoption process. It was an excruciating
process but Charles eventually had the daughter he always wanted.
After conducting much research on the littles girls history to no avail, Olivia and
Charles chose to name her Snow in homage of how they found her. Snow had an acceptable
childhood even though she grew up with Olivias seven sons. Each of the seven boys had unique
personalities and inherited nicknames inspired by their most prominent attributes. The youngest
brothers were Saul and Sam; they were twins. Saul had a terrible case of seasonal allergies, thus
he was given the nickname Sneezy. Sam was young but he was not without sleeping
difficulties. Sam slept all the time so Snow always called him Sleepy-head. The brother after
him, Gunner, was quite an ornery child. He was addressed as Grumpy most of the time.
Following Gunner is Bryan, the shy one. Olivia liked to call him Bashful. The fourth in
command was Doug. Doug was a sweet child but he was not the brightest. Charles made a habit

of addressing Doug as Dopey. Dougs predecessor was Harold. Harold was outgoing and
upbeat so he went by Happy. Finally theres Donald. Donald was the eldest and attended
medical school. Olivia loved to boast so she always referred to Donald as Doc when spoke of
him. The seven brothers adored Snow and devoted most of their time to her, leaving Olivia with
a sense of neglect.
Snow, Charles, Olivia, and the seven sons coexisted peacefully for a time. However, as
Snow matured Olivia began take notice of how beautiful she was and grew jealous. Olivia was a
vain woman who only cared about appearances. She was quite attractive herself with long
auburn hair, emerald eyes, and a sleek physique. However, Olivia began to realize that her
mature age of fifty was catching up to her and she was not receiving as much attention as she
used to; especially from her husband, Charles. Olivias jealousy was exacerbated by the constant
attention Charles and her seven sons gave Snow. As Olivias envy grew, she began to dwell on
her appearance and spent hours each day sitting in front of vanity. She would gaze into the mirror
and begin talking to herself.
Mirror, mirror nailed to my vanity, Olivia began, who fairest in Charles family?
Snow, Snow, Snow, whispered the mirror.
Whose there? Olivia cried.
Dont worry Mrs. White, her reflection began to speak to her, I am here to help.
Olivia became frightened. She was certain that she was the only person in her room and she
knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that mirrors could not speak. Mirrors, in fact, cannot speak.
Olivias mind was just too feeble to comprehend that she was going insane.

Here to help? Youre just my reflection in a mirror. This cant be real, Olivia
After spending much time conversing with her reflection in the mirror, Olivia was given a
message. The message was a solution to her problem. The solution was to kill Snow White. Of
course, with Snow White gone Charles would devote all of his attention to Olivia and she would
finally achieve happiness. Olivia quickly devised the execution of Snow White. She wanted the
childs death to be quick, quiet, and painless. This was not for the childs sake; it was for Olivias
convenience. She wanted to avoid a physical confrontation and did not want to draw any
Of course, Olivia muttered to herself, poison, poison will work. But what can I put
Olivia contemplated her options for a moment and decided on injecting the poison into Snows
favorite food; apple pie.
Olivia purchased a small apple pie for snow white and sprinkled arsenic on top of the
crust. She was certain that this would work. Olivia researched the effects of arsenic and
concluded that it would only be detected via autopsy. She cleared her browser history to avoid
suspicion if they were ever an investigation. Feverishly, Olivia set up the kitchen table and
prepared the apple pie. The moment was here. Olivia could finally have Charles to herself.
Snow, Olivia called out nervously, come down from your room sweetie. I have a treat
for you.

In a moments notice, Snow ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. Snows eyes grew wide
with excitement when she noticed the apple pie.
Oh boy, exclaimed Snow, apple pie is my favorite. Youre the best mom.
Clammoring with joy, Snow gobbled up her slice of the apple pie. The satisfaction was shortlived as the effects of the arsenic were instantaneous. Snow fell to the floor in an instant and
Olivia played her part as a damsel in distress. Donald and Charles rushed to the kitchen to locate
the source of the commotion. He was mortified at the sight of his wife codling Snows limp
body. Charles rushed Snow to the hospital with much haste. Donald was quiet the entire drive
and glared at Olivia with much disdain. He knew she was responsible. Donald over-heard Olivia
babbling to her mirror one evening but ignored it. He thought she was mad. But now it all makes
sense. Olivia had planned to murder Snow White.
Once the family arrived to the hospital, Snow was treated by Dr. Nathaniel Prince. Snow
began to display kidney failure and lost control of her faculties. Dr. Prince attempted to
medically induce Snow into a coma but it was too late. Her heart rate continued to decline and
breathing was sporadic. Snow died within minutes. Enraged by her death, Donald began to
accuse Olivia of murder and claimed he had evidence. Authorities were rushed to the scene and
an investigation was promptly conducted. Police discovered Olivias receipts for the apple pie
and arsenic and were able to obtain video surveillance of the purchase. After Olivia was proven
guilty, Charles filed for divorce and obtained custody of her seven sons.
To honor his daughters death, Charles had a snow flake engraved into Snows
tombstone. Her burial site was located in the funeral in which Charles found her. Together,
Charles and Olivias seven sons mourned Snow. Donald was able to prove Olivias atrocities and

had her imprisoned. Donald often blames himself for Snows death. If only he had been more
attentive of his mothers declining mental health, Snow might still be alive.

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