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This research is based on the stratified sampling technique. The alternative use of
probability sampling is not considered due to limited time and resources. The researcher
will make contact with the potential respondents with the use of telephone call and emails for participation of the research. The process of obtaining respondents will continue
until the researcher already has 30 participants that are willing to be involved in the study.
The procedure will be explained to each respondent through a letter that will
elaborate the purpose of the research. With the letter is the informed consent form for the
participation in the study. After the the study, each respondent will be given a summary of
the results of the study.
The samples are selected on the basis of criteria appropriate for the study. The
specific age group chosen for the study, of 30-50 years old, for they are more prone to
cardiovascular diseases. They are also narrowed down to a criteria that would help in the
study, specifically the respondents Prothrombin time, and those patients that are not
currently experiencing any cardiovascular diseases. This criteria will help in the purpose
of the study which is to determine the anticoagulant properties of allium cepa and what
specific compound contributes to this property.

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