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Our village

Mora de Rubielos,Teruel,

Our village, today

Our streets are old and narrow. The houses are nice and some, old
but colorful and nicely kept.
Our villagers work in shops, tobacconists, candies shops and pubs
We enjoy making a paella (typical spanish rice with chicken and
rabbit), going to see the bulls.

Our festivities

There was a cow that went trought the barriers. I light the fireworks, I
crush them and they do not make loud bangs. The damas (girls
that are crowned like queens of the festivities) gave San Miguel (local
god) flowersWe rode bumper cars.

Our legends

St. Michael is our saint because they say lots of years ago told the
troops about a trap set by the enemies, who threw food from the city
walls to show they were plenty, but they were hungry. And St. Michel
told the troops it was a lie.

Our villages crest

Three towers for
the three doors the
city has. Three
) for the three
names the village
has had along the
history. And a lily
because the
villagers fighted for
a french prince in

Our tags for the village





Our castle is on a hill to avoid people molesting. The

climb is steep to avoid attackers to enter the castle
jumping the walls. Its mdae of limestone. It has deep
dungeons to forbid bad people to flee.

Our food

Migas (breadcrumbs)
Ingredients: dry bread, garlic, salt, olive oil and ham
Preparation: wet the bread all night long, stirring from time to time.
Fry the garlic cloves and ham, chorizo and sausages on the olive oil.
Add the bread and fry everything until soft. You usually eat it with
grapes or melon.

Our food

Rajadillos (sliced cakes):

Ingredients: 360gr of sugar, 360 grs of chopped almonds, 3 eggs
whites and lemon zest.
Preparation: beat whites until stiff. Add sugar and lemon, first one
half and then the other, carefully. Then, put the almonds, mix well
and leave in the oven for a short while.

Our streets names

My street
is called
its a flat

Our streets names

Our streets names

Its called
La Cuba
some time
ago they
had wine
cellars here

Our streets names

My streets
name is
because of a
called La

Where do we live in?

I want my castle like

Well, this is more or less how we have

worked in class about our village, Mora de
Rubielos. We have worked over the
history, culture, sayings, food and city
buildings. We hope you like it!:

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