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Pre-Investigation #8

Your Signature Beer Recipe

So the Beer we decided to go with is a Vanilla Banana Chocolate Stout. As far as
beer styles go this is a type of Ale similar to a Porter. When it comes to ingredients,
after doing some research this will be a combination of a milk stout and a chocolate
stout because of the fact that we want to give it a vinalla, banana flavor but yet we
do still want there to be a taste of chocolate in there. The use of lactose and
chocolate malt may be used in this brew in order to bring out those flavors in this
beer. Now in order to bring out some of the banana flavors we will either have to
use actual real bananas in our beer or we can use hefewisen yeast which typically
causes banana flavors to come out during the fermentation process. No because
this is going to be such a sweet a savory beer the recommended food pairing would
be some type of spicy Mexican dish in order to counter act the sweetness such as a
beef mole, or pair it with some type of desert will be good also.

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