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Yin Ao Zhang


Sing Like Nobody is Listening

In my views, when singing like nobody is listening meaning not caring,

being free from the fear of others judging your voice. This should equate to you
singing our your true voice that is not constrained from fear. Some people
would often sing in the shower and pretend to be a star vocalist, at times like this
they are alone and not afraid to be themselves because they know nobody is
listening, or in other words, judging. A singer who sings like nobody is listening
will be singing the same on stage (if not better) as when they are singing in the
shower because they are not afraid of being themselves and presenting their
voice is it is. Despite being judgment free, singing like nobody is listening does
not mean one should allow themselves to lower their own standards of quality
but rather pursue a more preferable performance through fearlessness.

My Goals In Vocal Methods

What I hope to achieve through this course is to strengthen what Id like

to call an inner voice. This means that I am able to find notes more accurately on
my instrument at the moment (horn) as well as being able to hear the sounds of
the music in my head. My ultimate goal is to become a professional composer
and I believe the ability to hear music more clearly in my head would be a
monumental step in achieving this goal. If I could hear not only melody but also
harmony in my head I could compose without the aid of a piano, and not be
influenced by piano techniques but rather the sounds from my own imagination.

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