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Name: Teh Kar Yi



Orang Bajau


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Traditionally from many islands of Sulu Archipelago and Northern Borneo (Sabah).
Usually live a nomadic, seaborne lifestyle.
Two groups of Bajau:- West Coast Bajau and East Coast Bajau.
Origin of Bajau people remains uncertain.
Popular claim is they were descendants of the Royal Johor guards escorting a princess for marriage in
Sulu. After being attacked by the Bruneians in the high seas, they decided to settle in Borneo than return
to Johor.
Speaks about 10 different dialects under Sama-Bajau language.
Main dialect spoken in Sabah is known as Bajau Language.
Kima (Clams, eaten raw after sliced or cooked with vegetable)
Sagol (Fish meat such as stingrays chopped up and cooked with tumeric)
Putu (Steamed tapioca, usually eaten with kima or sagol)
Tompek (Fried grated tapioca)


Sepak manggis (Sport game where players form a circle and aim to strike the bunga manggis (giftbox)
suspended on a long pole. Usually played during gathering festivals.)


Marriage is either parentally arranged, normally set forth by the mans family or initiated by abduction.
Religious component of the rite is conducted by an imam. Wedding ceremonies usually take place in the
guardians house, accompanied with music and dance.
Funeral rites follow Islamic practice. The body is bathed, shrouded and buried in a grave niche facing
Mecca. Burial is accompanied by a vigil period lasting seven nights.
New-born babies feet are normally wetted in the sea water to invite the sea spirit into the new-born


Normally wears richly colourful clothes made by hand from traditional destar fabric which often
incorporates figurative motifs.
Lives on houses on stilts or boathouses decorated with carved designs and ornaments made from turtle
shell. Each house can accommodate a single family.

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