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Comedy Genre

By Harry Duffield

A comedy would tend to be set in
locations that are well know for
socializing and filled with people as
they tend to focus on relationships
between characters.

Its important that in comedys that
the diegetic sounds such as the
dialog is clear so that the audience
can hear the jokes that are being
Non diegetic sound is also important
as it can be used to place emphasis
on scenes and jokes.

Character types

Characters in comedy's tend to be

more melodramatic rather then
naturalistic as this can be used to
juxtapose the comical characters
from the non comical. Its also typical
that they play with the idea of
intelligence with there characters
and those that lack it tend to be the
comical characters.

Plot Events
Its most common plot lines that are
seen in a comedy is that the foolish
almost geeky but definitely uncool
main character gets the girl

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