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Ms. Malone

Course Title
9 th Grade

Lesson Date (time)

Nov. 18 th 2015



To understand the stages of photosynthesis.
To understand that photosynthesis is a cycle.


5 min

This took 46
minutes since
students did not
do the readings

5 Es



Essential Question
How are life processes interconnected?
Many things we face in life are interconnected especially in
a global world. Changing biological to life takes the
essential question to a broader more cross curricular level

Lesson Agenda
Teacher will
Ask students a situational question
where they must apply what they
read about photosynthesis:
How would limited water in the
environment affect photosynthesis of
plants at different stages? Didnt
have time for the second question
because students did not complete
the reading or if they did, they
struggled with the contentmust
work on developing scientific
literacy skills

1.) [15min] Split students up into

different parts of Photosynthesis:
-Sunlight hits leaves
-Photosystem II
-Electron Transport Chain
-Photosystem I
-Calvin Cycle
Provide students with a paper and
ask them to make a poster

Walker Lesson Plan Template for ISA Grade 7

Students will
Relate to their readings from the
previous night to look discuss the
affect of water.
-Only half the class completed the
previous nights readings so they were
unable to relate this
-To improve this in the future, I can:
1.) switch the readings to something I
find online and/or have them watch a
video (the section in the textbook
chapter is not that great)
2.) Guilt students into reading at night
by telling them how disappointed I am
in them (Nabeehah did this)
3.) Ask the students to take notes on
the readings
4.) Give a mini-quiz on the readings
as a formative assessment to see how
well the students grasped the content
can use the plicker technology Helen
introduced in science methods course
Prepare a poster emphasizing the
reactants and products of each stage
in photosynthesis and where it is
occurring in the cell.
-Students however did a great job of
teaching each other the content from
the book!

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Deleted: biological
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Brianna Malone 11/19/15 8:52 AM

Deleted: What do you think could be some
possible adaptations for plants in the dessert?

Brianna Malone 11/19/15 8:58 AM

Deleted: 20 min


25 min
This has been
moved to two
days later

1 min
This was moved
as well to two
days later to
assess students
and confusion
after each group


/ Closure)

illustrating what happens in their

step of photosynthesis.
2.) [5min] Ask students to go around
the classroom to observe the posters
-Because two groups did not
completely finish during the class
period we have yet to do this
[17min] Ask each group to present
their poster and ask students to take
notes on their classmates
-Posters were to be hung around the
room to emphasize that it is a cycle
and that each step provides the
reactants for the following step.
[8min] Introduce the new technology
of a artificial photosynthetic leaf to
generate energy. Ask students what
they think about his technology?
Maybe instead of what do they think
another question to ask is how
would this impact their daily lives?
(To relate more to the
interconnectedness of the
Ask students to write down one
question they have about
photosynthesis. (formative

Take notes on their classmates


Think about the possibilities of new

technologies and relate the
importance of photosynthesis to real
science occurring
-To relate this more to the essential
question my goal for the students to
get out of the video is that the
process of artificial photosynthesis
can be manipulated to provide energy
for homes (another type of process).
This also connects biology to
engineering and chemistry.

Students posters and presentations

will also give me an assessment of
their understanding of the process of

Students who did not complete the poster in class were asked to take it home and bring it
back completed the following day.
Clarify light and dark reactions/light dependent and light independent reactions and
Photosystem II and Photosystem I
This I clarified the following day for students so that they understand the different names. The
textbook does not use the term Photosystem II and I which are two very common used terms
in photosynthesis.

Walker Lesson Plan Template for ISA Grade 7

Brianna Malone 11/22/15 2:55 PM

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Instruction itself was differentiated with students building off prior knowledge and formulating
it into a poster/image (Lesson focus very much on visual and verbal learners). The
extend/elaborate couldve been used if students completed the assignment early before
everyone finished however it took all groups the entire period to finish.
Differentiation For students who do not enjoy presenting in front of a group, I reminded them if they wont

speak when presenting to make sure they complete their share of drawing and writing on the

Brianna Malone 11/22/15 2:58 PM

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Brianna Malone 11/22/15 3:07 PM


Walker Lesson Plan Template for ISA Grade 7

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