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Hardy-Weinberg Lab Correction

Case I
1. The Hardy-Weinberg Lab equation predicts that the new frequency for p and q
will be 0.5 for both.
2. Our results obtained did not agree with with the prediction because the results
were not 0.5/0.5 but rather p=0.42 and q=0.58.
3. One of the five Hardy-Weinberg conditions that were not followed was having a
large breeding population size.
4. The purpose of this simulation was to demonstrate how the equation works in a
non-evolving population.
Case II
1. The new p frequency is higher at 0.81 and the new q frequency is lower at 0.18.
2. One of the Hardy-Weinberg conditions that were not strictly followed was having
a large breeding population.
3. If another five generations were simulated, the frequencies for dominant
genotypes would become higher as the recessive genotypes would have been greatly
4. It would not be possible to completely eliminate a deleterious recessive allele for
as long as a genotype is heterozygous, the recessive allele is allowed to remain and the
host of the genotype survives because it does not have a recessive genotype.
5. The purpose of this simulation is to demonstrate how the equation works when a
recessive genotype eliminates a member of a population, allowing the survivors to live
on and reproduce. The homozygous recessive trait was lethal because it represented
Sickle Cell disease, a fatal disease.
Case III
2. The importance of the heterozygote advantage in genetic variation is that it gives the offspring
a better chance at survival against the fatal recessive genes.
3. The purpose of this simulation is to demonstrate the Hardy-Weinberg equation and how a
homozygous dominant trait has the opportunity to be fatal to member of a population. The
homozygous trait could have been lethal because it represented malaria, and the flipping of the
coin in the lab represented whether the organism died from it.
4.Populations evolve by eliminating bad traits in a population. We saw in the demonstration that
having a heterozygous genotype gives an organism a survival advantage as they may carry the
gene for a disease but they will never develop the disease, only pass it on to their offspring. In
Case II we saw how the homozygous recessive genotype represented Sickle Cell and all of the
organisms with that genotype did not survive. And in Case III, we saw how the homozygous
dominant genotype represented Malaria and flipping a coin determined whether that organism
survived or not.

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