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Bamboo is the Worlds Largest Grass Plant

Manchester, Richard B. Incredible Facts: The Indispensable Collection of True Life Facts and
Oddities. Galahad Books New York
Richard B. Manchester

Bamboo is woody in its structure and it has pole-like blades. It is the same plant family as the grass on your
lawn. It is sometimes used as crude fishing poles.
Known as the largest grass plant in the world is a fact that it grows in tuft to a height of 100 feet. Most of the
bamboos growth rate is unbelievably rapid, as a proof it can grow 2 feet in just 24 hours. Its blades grow
enormously however the growth of its flower is extremely slow.
Its uses? Did you know that bamboo has many uses throughout our lives; it plays an important role in our
lives. Its pole is used to catch fish, the blade provide paper, fuel, and construction materials to build houses,
furniture, utensils, plumbing pipes and ship most.
Bamboos also serve as a delicacy in different parts of the world. In fact, anyone who died in a Chinese
restaurant is familiar with that oriental delicacy.

1. Why did you chose this topic?
This topic is a trivia article, and I like trivia and facts that is why I selected this topic in this activity to
share this beautiful trivia.
2. What is its implication to life?
By knowing the uses and significance of the bamboo, the people will use wisely of what the uses of
the bamboos in our lives and also the people might create new uses of the bamboo while knowing his largest plant.

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