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Canale 1 Danny Canale Professor Raymond UWRT- 1103 16 October 2015 Italy's Rich History My family comes from Italian descent. Not only do we look like Italians, but you can also tell by the way we cook our food. Almost everything that is made by my family is homemade and there is more than enough {o go around, I've always wanted to know more about my family's ‘country of origin and this is what I found. The Italian flag, a tricolored green, white, and red flag, was adopted on June 19, 1946. It ‘was believed to be based on the flag that the French, lead by Napoleon, brought to Italy. The meaning behind the three colors is that it represents two different republics, the Cispadana Republic and the Transpadana Republic joining together to become one large state. The Italian republic however adopted a different flag but continued to display the current flag as part of the ingdom of Hay. It wasn't until recently, June of 1946 that it was adopted as the national flag replacing the one adopted in 1804 “Italian Flag’ The Italian flag has many similarities to both the Mexican and Irish flags. Unlike Mexico's flag, which has an aspect ratio of 4:7 and uses very rich colors, Italy's flag uses paler shades ofthe eolors used in the Mexican flag and has an aspect ratio of 2:3. 1 also does not have the symbol in the center like Mexico's flag does, Ireland's flag is another one that is Tike Italy's. ference in it is that it is green, white, and orange and is only a 1:2 aspect ratio “Italian Canale 2 Italy's national anthem, like the United States’, was written during a time of war. It has three different names, “its formal name is ‘Inno di Mameli' - Mameli’s hymn, named after the ‘man who wrote the words; ‘ll Canto degli Italiani he song of the talian people"; and its most ‘well-known name - the name Italian people almost invariably give it - ‘Fratelli d'Ttalia’- ‘Brothers of Italy’ - which is its first fine” (Andrews). It was composed by a man named Goffredo Mameli, who was a poet and tragically died only two years after the anthem was written, Tt was said to be his most famous work. It was written during the time of the Halian Unification and was adopted in 1946 and made official by law in Novernber of 2005, There is a lot of debate over ‘weather or not the anthem should remain due to its references of extremely minor historical ‘events, but don't be fooled, Italians still adore their anthem, ns of Italy. For me, however, it It is possible for foreigners to become «i slightly easier, According to the Italian government, because I am a descendent of an Italian I can claim citizenship. I would be required to serve in the Italian armed forces, be employed by the ian r government, and/or live in Italy for at least two years before the age of 18/"Citizenshi Italy has rich history, and lam proud to hold that background, I can't wait to explore more in depth about my ancestors for my family tree project, Canale 3 Works Cited Andrews, Cath, the Italian National Anthem ; Italian Culture and Traditions in Words and Music.” The Italian National Anthem ; Italian Culture and Traditions in Words and Music. N.p., nd. Web, 16 Oct, 2015. "Citizenship." Citizenship. N.p., nod. Web. 16 Oct. 2015. Italian Flag." Italian Flag. Maps of the World, nal, Web. 16 Oct. 2015.

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