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Danny Canale Professor Raymond UWRT 1103 — 02 ‘08 Novernber 2015 Interview with my roommates ‘After tong conversation with my roommates, I have found paints of my presentation that my roommates, if'in my class would like to know more about. We tatked on a multitude of things, some of which included new technologies, the issue with fuel and what in general the future holds. ‘When Talking to my roommates, one of the biggést topics that had come up was self flying aircraft. We got a little off topic, talking abou self-driving cars and how they compare to aircraft and their autopilot systems. That sparkedhe question of what can an airplane do itself i toms We later moved into fuel systems and how the earth is running out of fossil fuels. We and what docs the future hold for auto pilot then started (0 talk about the ability to harvest different sources of energy and what else can be done to make aircraft more fuel efficient, One of my roommates mentioned that solar energy should be looked at more in depth. [also heard the idea of nuclear fuel Nuclear fuel is something that | had no idea existed for aircraft. This is something that I took a look into right after our conversation and plan to implement into our presentation. I also. heard of other sources of fucl such as steam, this would be harder to harvest but possible, After a thorough and deep open ended conversation, [have leamed about many different things people are interested in anel want to know more about. This will help me improve our , Ye presentation and gear it more towards what the class wants to hear. It will also help me in terms of explaining things in a way that people can understand.

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