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Bennett, Rogers, Moran 1 Grayson Bennett, Joel Rogers, Brandon Moran Professor Lynn Raymond University Writing 1103-B02 5 October 2015 Multimodal Semester Project Proposal The use of rockets have been around for thousands of years. Rockets were first used for fireworks by the Chinese and have evolved to entities that have the ability to end the world Inerally at the push of a button, The evolution of the rocket has an interesting history, mainly driven by the desire to use rockets as weapons of destruction. Because of the generality of a topic, the project will focus on the impact the Space Race had on rockets and how developments in both of these areas have impacted society. Both books and internet sources will be used to gather information on the topic. The effect of the Space Race and rockets have had a lasting impact on society to this day, especially with the recent development of water on Mars. Each member of our group will be responsible for researching and writing about a subtopic assigned to them, A schedule for when each subtopic must be completed by is provided later in the proposal. ‘The topic the group has decided to research is how rockets have impacted the world, In order to make the topic more concise, the group has decided to analyze and research the impact rockets had on the Space Race. In addition to analyzing the impact rockets had on the Space Rave and the impact er Space Race ha on society during the Space Race SSR the lasting effects that are still affecting society now. In order to communicate the group’s findings, we will prepare a PowerPoint presentation mixed with short videos to give a visual representation about how high tensions were during that time. Bennett, Rogers, Moran 2 To research the topic, many resources will be used. The vast resources available at the library will be utilized to get accurate informative from a variety of books. In addition to books, documentaries on the advancement of rockets atthe environment of the Space Race will be used as well as internet sources to create a well-researched presentation. As mentioned before, Microsoft PowerPoint will be the main media source to convey the information to the audience slong with short videos to augment the visual pietures an oral presentation. All information found wih written form on the PowerPoint and presented orally among all group members. Rockets are a fascinating topic for many audiences. With such a wide variety uses, styles and events there will certainly be plenty of information to cover, As seen by many college professors and many students as well, boring presentations are often the norm. Knowledge _ should be a fun and exciting thing to learn. Therefore why should it be so boring to eee nsand in the class fall asleep during the presentation. As a group we wen that maybe for other people in the class our topic may not catch everybody's attention instantly, so for that reason we will use a Powerpoint presentation. Since we were toddlers, the easiest way to help us learn whet by pictures and by our parents speaking about dt particular picture; We will incorporate this into our presentation and project, While using many pictures and even some videos we hope to capture every bit of the audicnce’s attention. We will try to limit the amount of text on each aby slide so the audience can try to relate what we are saying 2e a particular picture that may be on the current slide or the slide to come. As a group we have discussed the importance of our topic of rockets and the space race. Weave figured thatlthis is an important topic not only is our nation’s history but also in the progression of science and prosperity. Hopefully if we can spark interest in at least one person in the audience maybe one day daey will make an impact on the Bennett, Rogers, Moran 3 future technology used in the world. As discussed with all of our group members we feel as it's important to split up all of the work, so we will do the same while presenting. Not one of us will D be responsible for a sole aspect as all three of us will work on every part together to ensur: x thorough and complete information throughout the project without it being choppy. Phan of v Week 1 Rescarch rockets in the ancient world. Week 2 Basic rocket components and design. Week 3 Early military usage. Week 4 Early space missions. First man in space, etc. Week 5 Cold War missile programs, ICBMs. Week 6 Apollo missions, Space shuttle Week 7 Modern military applications

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