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Coastal Flooding and Sea Level Rise on San Diego

Population Susceptability
to 1' Sea Level Rise

Social Vulnerability Index

1' Rise

Tot Pop.


6' Rise




A small minority of San Diego's population

will only be affected by a 1' sea level rise,
but 1/5 of their total population will be
displaced from a 6' rise. Population
displacement was derived by calculating
the population density inside the 20 mile
buffer, clipping the SOVI tracts to the
buffer and risk areas, and then multipling
the population density by square kilometers.

10 Kilometers

Population Susceptability
to 6' Sea Level Rise

Population Displaced
by 1' Rise
0 - 500
501- 1500
1501 - 3000

Population Displaced
by 6' Rise
0 - 5000
5001- 20000
20001 - 50000
Sea level rise for both scenarios
are not visibly apparent.
But, the total population affected
is dramatically different.
This could be due to there not
being high confidence of 1' sea
level rise in some tracts.The most
interesting aspect of the
population affected, is that most
of them live on houseboats
in the Coronado Bay.

Author: Matthew Whittle

Date: 9/10/2015
ESS 414 - Geospatial Applications
Assignment 2: Coastal Flood Risk

Data Acquired From: NOAA, USGS, and SOVI Census 2010

Coordinate System: WGS 1984 Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere
Datum: Mercator Auxiliary Sphere
Zoom: 1:250,000

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