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The Origin of English Language:

If we want to talk about the origin of English language, we should return to many
years ago, maybe a lot of people think that the English began to form in North America but
that absolutely wrong, because the English begins a lot of years before that Colon
discovered America. English language has Germanic roots and it develops in the British
islands, when some tribes immigrated to these island. A few years after, when these tribes
expanded, they were creating different cultures, some of these cultures take different
mindsets, for example: there is culture that gave a more important role for woman, another
that they believed in mystical beings as their Gods; unlike others who believed in
Christianity. All these cultures made the expansion possible of the English language; we
can also said that in the present many countries like EEUU, New Zealand, Canada, South
Africa, and others have adopted this language by the power of the British Empire in
nineteenth century.
Elvis Jos Pez Rujano
Ci: 24.853.972

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