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Jessick 1 David Jessick Mrs, Raymond UWRT 1103-E01 7 September 2015 Free Time to Reading Time From an early age I was never the student who always had a book with them or could sit down for hours upon hours and read. I was the kid who would read the books assigned but never the one to go out and pick books off the shelf to voluntarily read. This was how I was until the tenth grade when I was assigned a project in my English class that would change not only the way that I saw books but would change my literacy narrative. y tenth grade English class I was assigned a semester long project where I was suppéed to read 1000 pages, which was about two to three books. For this assignment we would fad our books and then get into groups a couple times a semester to discuss our books. So as the semester began, I found myself without a favorite series of books or a favorite author. After a few days of sample reading out of some of the books that my teacher had in his room, I decided that I needed to go to a book store to find some books that interested me more. After going to Bares and Noble and not really finding anything that I was interested in, my mom said “Why don’t we go to that used books store Mr. Mike's.” ( (AU Loti tow © ) We decided to head over to the book store one day after school to see what they had. As I walked through the book filled rows, I headed towards the WWII section of books. I have always had a fascination with WWII. After looking through many books, I discovered a couple books from the author Ken Follett that interested me. After getting four books for abouts dollars, Jessick 2 picked one of the books and took it to school the next day; I took the book Hornet Flight. This book was about everything that interested me: WWII, aviation, and spies. I fell in love with this book instantly. I enjoyed reading the book on a daily basis in the class and I found myself reading the book outside of class, which was something that I never did previously. This book sparked an enjoyment of reading in me that I had not had before. I read the book very quickly and then read the three other books from the same author that semester and I ended up reading much more than the required amount. I never thought that this somewhat small project that was assigned to me during my sophomore year of high school would affect me so greatly. I went from the student who would read what was required and get it done quickly to the student who really enjoyed what he was reading and looked forward to the time that he could sit down and read. Just this one little project ended up affecting me greatly and changing my literacy narrative forever. Have YOU AUN OM de ea fe Peon) thor ot ye ail dp abot.

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