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Video Reflection


Lori Uchimura

Title of Video:

Top 10 Reasons to Use Technology in

Education: iPad, Tablet, Computer, Listening

The Top 10

Using technology is the future of education:

1. Students love it
2. It Engages the four key components to
a. Active engagement
b. Participation in groups
c. Frequent interaction and feedback
d. Connection to real world experts
3. Professional Development
4. Makes Life Easier for Teachers
a. Test score grades are immediate
5. Improves test scores
a. Different learning styles
6. Help students with low attention span
7. Learn from the experts
8. Encourages completion of homework
9. Saves money
10. Remove obstacles
a. Amplified sound systems

Since incorporating various technologies in my classroom, I have
noticed a significant decrease in the amount of paperwork that I take
home to correct or grade every day. I no longer have overflowing
stacks of paperwork on my table that either need correcting, or
punching holes to insert into student folders. In addition, the amount
of data that I can refer to has increased, and organization has become
much easier to accomplish. I now use Google Classroom to assign
work, to monitor student work, to collect work, and grade. It is easily
accessible, simple to manage and there is evidence of teacher to
student communication that can be saved if necessary.

Im wondering if the topic of the importance of using technology in the

classroom has become a rather moot point. It is no longer whether we
should use it in the classroom. It is now an issue of keeping up with
the continual advancements before obsolescence occurs.
Teachers must continue to refresh their learning of how to use

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