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12K-2224 D

03 NOV, 2015


1. Area(s) of HCI under which your project comes.

Online grocery store comes in communication area where the customer can order
online to get served on same day.
Design area of HCI is also focused in this project as the interaction with customer plays a
vital role for shopping.
2. Goal(s) of your project, e.g. what HCI related problem does it solve or what value does
it add to existing solutions?
The goal of interaction design is to maximize the usability. Time holds value. Users
demands on system interaction have changed; they expect to be able to complete their work
with few steps or no frustration.
Therefore the graphics of user interaction is built simple so that old generation user can also use
it easily in few steps.
Need for Robustness is covered by providing all abort actions while executing and reversed after

3. How can you assess whether your solution has been successful or not? What will be
the metrics? Elaborate how each metric applies.
Through the feedback of users I can assess my solutions status.
Software Reliability (Reliability Growth Models): The probability that an application will
perform its specified function for its stated time under specified terms. Execute & try program
until failure has occurs, in time of zero removed it, and continue execution.
The procedural mechanism that chooses successive inputs during execution is random and
unpredictable. It is the assumption of software uncertainty.
If grocery sales increase, the users are happy with the application. It will directly indicate us that
the solution is successful.

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