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The Challenge of Organising and

Implementing Corporate Social

Edited by Jan Jonker, Marco de Witte


90.00 / $145.00

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Questioning the way the business enterprise operates in contemporary society has become an established
field of investigation. The rationale behind the book is simple. In the current global conversation, CSR (and
other terms that are linked to it such as sustainability and corporate citizenship) tends to be as much about
semantics as substance. Therefore, the key to this book is the fundamental idea that drivers for change
should be found primarily within the heart of organisations and expressed through various implementation
strategies. As long as organisations are not embracing CSR as a fundamental element in business
continuity, it will remain a mixture of semantics, avoidance, compliance and social philanthropy. We hope
this book can provide a contribution to the ongoing debate that rapidly needs to be deepened and
elaborated, in both theoretical as well as practical hands -on terms. The aim and scope of the book is
therefore to help capture and distil emerging implementation perspectives in terms of theory and practice
in one concise volume. As such, it will hopefully help to unravel and demonstrate the possible changes and
consequences due to the adaptation of a CSR.
JAN JONKER is Associate Professor and Research Fellow at the Nijmegen School of Management, University
of Nijmegen, The Netherlands. He has also run his own consultancy practice for over fifteen years. His
research interest lies at the crossroad of management and corporate social responsibility, in particular in
relation to the development of business strategy. He has written seven books, alone or with others, and
published over a hundred articles.
MARCO DE WITTE is Associate Professor of Organization Design and Change Management at the Faculty of
Management and Organization of the University of Groningen, The Netherlands, and partner at 'HGRV
Consultants and Managers.' In lectures, research and consultancy projects he focuses on the alignment of
strategic business positioning, organizational development and the implementation of change.

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