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Dear Parent/Guardian,

On Friday, December 11, Team C

will be going on a field trip to the
Museum of Science in Boston.
The focus of this trip will be for
our students to interact with the
museums The Science Behind
Pixar special exhibit. This
exhibit will allow students to enjoy a unique, first-time look into the Pixar process,
and explore the science and technology behind some of the most beloved animated
films and their characters. This interactive exhibition showcases the science,
technology, engineering, and math (STEM) concepts used by the artists and
computer scientists who help bring Pixar's award-winning films to the big screen.
We will be eating lunch at the Museum, but lunches will not be available for
purchase. Please bring a healthy bagged lunch.
As usual, students will be expected to conform to the behavior guidelines outlined
in their Student Handbooks.
Cost: $22 per student (includes bus and admission to the exhibit and museum halls)
Please detach, sign, and return the permission slip below and send it in with your
student along with either cash or check (made out to Galvin Middle School)
by Friday, December 4th!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I give my child ___________________________ permission to go on the
Museum of Science field trip. He/she will bring a healthy, bagged lunch.

Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________________

Date: ___________________

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