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Production schedule

Documentary title, Why is the younger generation obsessed with mobile

Job role- Film recorder
Film recorder- Tash Manners, Gina Hollender, Lauren Stocks
Models-members of the public
Meeting at- Touchwood
Location- Solihull
Costume/ makeup- Casual clothing
Time- solihull- 2:30pm
Touchwood centre 12:35pm
Ready for filming 12:40pm
Transport- none required
Instructions- Collect camera and tripod, Meet In Solihull at 2:30pm
We will be filming the public in the background of our voxpops to set the
appropriate mis en scene for our documentary.

Production Schedule
Title of documentary- Why is the younger generation obsessed with mobile
Job role- Film recorder
Film recorder- Tash Manners, Gina Hollender, Lauren Stocks
Models-Phone expert
Meeting at- Solihull
Location- Solihull phone shop
Props- none required
Costume/ makeup- Casual clothing
Time- Solihull- 2:00pm
Outside Solihull phone shop -2:10pm
Ready for filming 2:20pm
Transport- walking
Instructions- Collect camera, tripod, microphones and headphones, Meet In
Solihull at 2:00pm
The mis en scene for this expert interview is perfect as its in a phone shop
surrounded by phones and phone cases.

Production Schedule
Title of documentary- Why is the younger generation obsessed with mobile
Job role- Film recorder
Film recorder- Tash Manners, Gina Hollender, Lauren Stocks
Models-students at ssfc
Meeting at- college
Location- college canteen
Props- none required
Costume/ makeup- Casual clothing
Time- college- 1:20pm
Inside canteen-1:30pm
Ready for filming 1:40pm
Transport- none
Instructions- Collect camera, tripod, microphone and headphones
The camera will be set up so when we are filming the chosen students, Different
students will be walking past. We are hoping they will be on their mobile phones
so this relates back to our topic.

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