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Stogner 1 ‘Tyler Stogner Professor Raymond UWRT 1103 9-2-2015 My Literacy Story The earliest memory that I have of reading was when I was pre-school and there was a little library, which had about 40 books, in one of the rooms. To get to the books there was a iS yd ladder you had to go up and to get back down you would have to use the slide. I don’t remember \\ if could actually read when T was in pre-school but I do remember the book “If You Give a Moose a Cookie” as one of the books that was at the pre-school. I remember sitting at the stop of the library and seeing all of the books that they had. In the second grade I had to go to a reading class that was designed to help students that were not as advanced in reading to help them come up the standard reading level for their grade. Also in the second grade we were forcé'to read books from the library and take AR test on the book that we read and since the teacher forced me -f to read a lot of books that I didn’t like it made me dislike reading and having to take reading test because I would normally not do good on them. The hardest part about reading to me when I was in elementary school was that I would confuse and switch the letters “B” and “D”. This not only -/-, affected my reading but also my writing and the teachers thought that I might be dyslexic. s> Around the fourth grade I stopped mixing up my letters and being able to spell became a lot easier and a more natural thing to do. My parents were very helpful to me when I was learning to ‘Stogner 2 read and write. remember that almost every night my mom would read a book called*Wide “ Mouth Frog” to me and my sister before we went to bed. Stogner 1 Tyler Stogner Professor Raymond UWRT 1103 9-7-2015 My Middle School Story In the sixth grade the school held a spelling bee that each grade would have winner in, ‘The student that won from each grade would go to the county spelling bee and the student who won that would then go to the state spelling bee, The schoo! that had the winning student from the state spelling bee would get some kind of money award. When my class had to have the class spelling contest to see who the best speller was I somehow made it to into the top three in my class even though was not a good speller I was able to a decent job in the contest. I am not sure (ow I made it so far but it seemed like as the rounds went by my words were easier to spell than the other students because all the words that were given to me I knew and all the words that were given to the other students I would have gotten wrong if it was given to me. When it got close to the end I intentionally misspelled the word that I was given so that I would not win and have to spell in front of the entire school. This influenced my literacy learning because I know I am not the best when it comes to reading and writing and after this school spelling bee I found out that really don’t like the whole language arts subject. Since middle school the English classes that I have had have been my least favorite classes and I very rarely look forward to going to an English class. The times that I did ‘want fo go to the class were mostly movie days for that class. Stogner 1 ‘Tyler Stogner Professor Raymond UWRT 1103 9-15-2015 Technology in Learning ‘Technology has affected my literacy learning some but not as much as some of the other things that have helped me learn. The internet has been around for most of my literacy learning but not during the first couple of years, By that I mean for all of the school work that I had to do, an the intemet was not required to complete the assignment but today in the elementary school )0,, usifig the internet is a regular occurrence and a regular part of the way the students real A on ‘that cell phones affected my writing is that I when I would type on the computer I would naturally type the words in the texting format and my mom would get mad at me for constantly mess|lip when typing. The biggest electronic device that helped my reading ability was a kindle. My mom bought the kindle for herself but she allowed me and my sister to use it whenever we wanted to. Before getting the Kindle)I would only read when I had to because reading was not fun and I did a “ot find it enjoyable. Being able to use the kindle made reading more fun to me and it was the first time, other than the mandatory reading assignments that I would have to do for school that 1 would read in my free time, The series of books that I read on the kindle was Perey Jackson and the Olympians. Since | finished the series I have not used the kindle and have gone back to au paduig 4 reading only when Ihave to. 0h NO! Hope tat Lut Stogner 1 Tyler Stogner Professor Raymond UWRT 1103 9-29-2015 Uncle Mike The craziest and strangest member that I have in my family is my Uncle Mike. He is about five feet and eleven inches tall, has a short beard, blue eyes, a man bun, a little quirkiness to his personality, and a little bit of a drinking habit. He is the second oldest sibling with three brothers and one sister. My dad and he went straight into the Navy after high school, my dad was ona destroyer and my uncle was in a submarine. Both of them were in the Navy for six years. After the Navy he and one of his brothers moved to Wilmington and they have lived there ever since. When he got out of the Navy he started to get in trouble with the cops. He has gotten about five DUI’s and has spent some time in jail for drunk driving. He is no longer allowed to drive a car and now he has to ride a moped around to go where ever he wants to go. He is probably the smartest person in the family when it comes to academies but not so much when it comes to life decisions and planning for the future. Since he has had several DUI’s he cannot achieve a wealthy position in a company so he has had to settle for a carpenter job. Even though he is a skilled carpenter and had helped my dad build parts of the house that my family us6'to live in he has made his life a lot tougher and more complicated by the things he has done in his past. ‘ ‘Stogner 1 Tyler Stogner Professor Raymond UWRT 1103 10-1-2015 My Name wwe ‘The way that I got my name was by my parents picking the name thatliked the most and giving me that name. When my sister was about to be born my parents wanted to name her Taylor but since that name is too close to Tyler they decided that they should not name my sister Taylor and instead they named her Lindsey. My mom and her sister both have the same middle name which is Lee. My dad’s name is Harvey Richard Stogner Fanine since he was named after his dad. My dad and all of his brothers prefer to be called by their middle name over their first va Since all of my family is from the south I researched some of the traditions that southem frorte do with their names, It seems that it is not unusual for southem people to go by their / / middle name especially if there is a long line of the family from around the same area. Another tradition is that every child’s middle name will be the first name of the father. I am glad my parents did not do this because I do not want any part of my name to be Harvey. The impact that, the naming traditions has on the families is interesting. It gives a uniqueness to the family and it helps to keep some names in a family longer. The traditions can also be used by the younger generation to look back at the older generations and see where they got their name from. i" WY Stogner 1 Tyler Stogner Professor Raymond UWRT 1103 10-27-2015 Flag of Origin After asking my parents about what they know about where our family comes from my dad told me that he thinks his side of the family emigrated from Germany. My mom said that her side of the family is from England. Since Yan, I think that is how itis spelled, will probably tall you all about the German flag I will pick the English flag. ‘The English flag before 1603 had a red cross on a white back ground. In 1603 after Queen Elizabeth I's death the English National Flag merged with the Scottish National Flag because Queen Elizabeth named the King of Scotland to also be the King of England, the Scottish monarch was the ruler of two countries at the same time (‘‘History of the British Flag”). When the King of Scotland was named King of England we unified the two flags together, which is now called the Union Flag. The Union flag had a red cross on top of a blue back ground with a white X through it, this flag lasted from 1603-1801. In 1801 Ireland became part of Great Britain and the Union flag changed to incorporate the Irish flag (“History of the Ba Flag”). The product of the two flags is the current flag of Great Britain. The National Anthem of Great Britain is called God Save the Queen. tte forse and tune are anonymous, and may date back to the seventeenth century” (“National Anthem”). If I wanted to become a citizen of Great Britain I ‘would have to “be over eighteen and lived in the UK for at least five years without spending Stogner 2 more than four hundred fifty days outside the UK”, then I would be able to apply for citizenship (“Become a British Citizen”). Stogner 3 Work Cited "Become a British Citizen." - GOV.UK. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2015 "National Anthem." Royal. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2015. "History of the British Flag." United States. National Park Service. National Parks / Service. U.S. Depariment of the Interior, 27 Sept. 2015. Web. 07 Oct. 2015. Stogner 1 Tyler Stogner Professor Raymond UWRT 1103 10-27-2015 Project Interest When doing the Literacy Narrative I found that I wanted to know more about what I read and who helped me learn the how to read the most when I was first starting to read. Since I was young when I was learning to read I do not remember much of what happened and it was interesting to find out what books I found enjoyable. In the Family Tree Project I wanted to know more about my grandparents and great grandparents. I have only meet my grandmas because both of my grandpas and all my great grandparents died before I was bor. It was interesting to find out who they were, where they came from, and to hear the stories that my parents told about them. My partner and I chose the topic innovation of new technologies in cars for the Semester Long Project. We picked this topic because both of us have an interest in cars and thought it would be a fun topic to learn about as we work on the project. Since we have not done much work up to this point in the project we still have a lot of work to do. The topic that I am most interested to learn about for the Semester Long Project is what innovations to the car failed. This part of the project interest me because the some of the innovations could have been good but was not used as much as other innovations or the innovation could have just been a bad idea. I also want to know when some of the basic technologies that are in cars today were first used in a car. Stogner 1 Tyler Stogner Professor Raymond UWRT 1103 1-3-2015 Three Visuals Fg1. Steam powered car ("Revolutions: 20 Radical Innovations in Vehicular Technology”) We will say that this a diagram of the first car and that it was steam powered. F 92. First four stroke gas engine (“Otto Engine”) This is the first four stroke gas engine and the engines now are way more advanced. Stogner 2 AIR Basic Carburetor ee 4 Fg3. Carburetor (“Carburetor”) This a diagram of a carburetor and it regulates the fuel to air ratio in the engine and controls the speed of the engine. ‘Stogner 1 Tyler Stogner Professor Raymond UWRT 1103, 1-5-2015 Project Conversation Thad my conversation with my roommates in our dorm room, The first question I asked my roommates how they present the presentation if they had the same topic and what information would they include. They all said that they would use a power point for the presentation. The information that they would have would be the major innovations to the car, some of the innovation failures that have happened, recent ideas that are being developed right now, and some possible future innovations to the car. These responses are how my partner and I were planning on doing the project. Next, I asked my roommates if they knew of anything interesting about cars that they think would be a good addition to the project. They said that I could include the Tesla Motor Company in the presentation because they are making the first full electric sports car. My roommates also mentioned that a self-driving car would be a future idea that is )-)°) currently being worked in by Google and Tesla Motors and an example of a self-driving car can be found in the movie J Robot. A topic for the future innovation would be a flying car that is starting to get looked at by a Slovakian company and the company says that a flying car is a real possibility and it may not be too long until a flying car is available to buy. The car would cost a Stogner 2 couple hundred thousand dollars which makes it so that only rich people or big car enthusiast will buy it, Stogner 1 Tyler Stogner Professor Raymond ‘UWRT 1103 11-12-2015 The Last One ‘When we first tuned in the proposal we thought that we were just going to show how the technologies in cars progressed and how the car has been innovated over time. After the group talked about the topic more and after the class had the class help for Semester Long Project day we came up with sfaller topics we can include in the presentation that are still related to the main topic. Instead of just talking about the successful changes that has happened to the car we to say some of the pos m/f ei One thing that surprised me is how far cars have progressed and how close we are to ible fut innovations and what some of the failed changes AD having the futuristic ideas be in the car market place. For example the self-driving car is already being researched my Google and Tesla Motors. Both companies have plans to release their version of the self-

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