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o Introduction

o Introduce each of the articles and the writers?

o Thesis statement
o First paragraph
o Introduce first article and author and rhetorically analyze his/her
article and argument
o Second paragraph
o Introduce second article and author and do same as above
o Third paragraph
o Introduce third article and author and do the same as above
o Fourth paragraph
o Combine the arguments of the three in relation to one another
o Explain the relationship between the texts
o Fifth paragraph
o Discuss the arguments of the three supporting one part of the thesis
o Explain why this argument matters and why we should care
o Sixth paragraph
o Discuss the arguments of the three supporting the second half of the
o Explain why this argument matters and why we should care
o Seventh paragraph
o Conclusion
Teach us what each one saying, point out they have some intersecting issue. This
relationship matters because. How to make meaing out of those, brign pieces
together and make a new idea.
Carr begins the argument. Seeing through his lens using his cautionary tone as a
way to understand Thompson and the other. What if a I look for those cautious
things through tohompson because carr sets it up that way.

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