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Ahmed Bokhadher

Dr. Cook
World of Religion
25 November 2015

Bokhadher, Ahmed. " World of religion" 25 November 2015

This paper was written for world of religion class. This paper is showing
the different between Islam and Christianity. Actually I targeted my
class in this paper. I have spent 3 days written this paper. My
assessment of this piece of writing is very good. The strengths I have is
in the introduction and in the body paragraph while weakness in the
concluding. If this paper earned to me I would like to work more in the

Islam And Christianity

Islam and Christianity share one common origin. They are both Abrahamic in
origin and are descended from the old testament of the Bible. While the Quran is a
representation of the beliefs held by the Muslims, the Bible is an extension of the
teachings of the Abrahamic religion. The other Abrahamic religion is Judaism. The
origins of Christianity are no doubt in the New Testament as reflected by the teachings of
Jesus Christ of Nazareth. These teachings are an important part of the belief that
Christians have. The Christian religion is based on the five Gospel books written by the

disciples of Jesus Christ. These teachings reflect on love and forgiveness as the key
elements of true and justified belief. On the other hand, Islam traces its origins in the
same historical processes that Christianity does. Islam originates from the Abraham
family and the life and history of Ishmael. Ishmael is the descendant of the religion that
teaches humility care and family unity as the core elements of pure belief that establishes
the ever increasing understanding of the issues that prepare one for the heavenly life.
Islam is opined on the belief that by following the teachings of the Quran, a believer is
united with the creator and it is only in the creators name that the society should operate.
In some instances of Islamic understanding, there is a significant assessment of the
realities of life and the ever increasing widespread understanding of its fundamentalist
side. Nonetheless, the origins of these two religions indicate that there is a more
influential position that is established under the general guidance of the positions created
for both their development.

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