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Blanca Olmos
COM 122
Myself as a Communicator

Individualization and empathy are my strengths as a communicator. When I use my

individualization, I am able to see people for who they are. Combined with my empathy I am
able to see other peoples perspective, free from judgment. My weaknesses are often when my
greatest strengths are not combined, and instead of intertwining them, I use my strengths
individually. As a restorative person, I am able to analyze the situation fairly quickly and
understand what the problem is. Restorative strength alone often leaves me being impatient. I am
aware of the steps that need to be taken and I understand the implications that are involved. Yet I
forget what President Monson once said, Patience, that heavenly virtue, had brought to humble
Saints its heaven-sent reward (Monson, 1995). Learning about my strengths and how I use
them, has helped me refine them. I can apply them in a combination to land many wonderful
opportunities. As I am recently engaged, I am proud to say that it is due in part to the information
I have learned in my Interpersonal Communication course. With all the valuable tools I gained, I
was able to learn why I refrain from telling my secrets and I also learned why it is so vital to find
a way to share personal information without compromising my safety and letting my loved one
in. It has not been easy and taken quite a bit of effort on my part, but I slowly have used my
strengths to confirm who I am. With a strength in connectedness, I am able to quickly see how
awareness of my strengths help me to understand who I am, and in the end improve my
Sylvia my co-worker sits next to me forty seven hours a week plus she also has my
cellphone number; so are communication is not limited to when I physically see her. Our

Blanca Olmos
COM 122
relationship has needed tending from me continuously; luckily it has improved enough I felt I
could interview her. Youre a communicator in training Sylvia kindly answered when I asked
her how she saw me as a communicator. Although she saw me in training she is able to see
strengths like my connectedness, You have the capability of seeing the bigger picture. She also
mentioned my empathy, individualization and developer strengths. Lovingly she also gave me
advice Through experience and by continuing to take this class you will learn to develop and
refine your communications skills. She has been right, through this class we both have learned
so much. When she asks questions and I share my perspective, we both benefit from the lessons
on effective communication traits. Sylvia has learned about her strengths which has made my
individualization and developer strength grow. As I have refined it through the information I
have learned and shared with her. Another person who has benefited from my learning is my
fianc. He pointed out to me that since taking this class he has noticed an improvement in my
communication skills, You have become aware that there are other forms of communication and
you strive continuously to apply them. Strengths he has noticed have been that after learning a
new principle, I am quick to apply it. And how in communicating I am very descriptive when he
asks me about my day I turn it into a story. The advice he offered was to Listening with the
intent of understanding a persons form of communication. Why it is they communicate that way,
and what message they are trying to relay when they communicate in such way. I am lucky to
have individuals who know me, and are willing to help me improve my communication skills.
Learning to communicate in romantic relationships is the goal I want to set as a
communicator this semester. I recently got engaged, and am very excited to be getting married
in the next three months. Preparations are ranging from attire, cake flavors, future housing

Blanca Olmos
COM 122
options and joining all things to be one. In all of that the most crucial thing I know to focus on, is
the marriage itself. As a couple we will need to learn many life lessons to refine our marriage and
stay together. One of the most important things in any healthy relationship is communication. Yet
it is not just about communication as Edwin O. Haroldsen and Barry L. Johnson professors at
BYU said, The quality of the communication between husbands and wives, no matter how long
they have been married, can be a key to determining whether couples suffer through or savor
their marriage relationships (Edwin O. Haroldsen, 1993). There are so many factors to
communicating effectively, it is not simply if you communicate or how but also to know the why
and where. Communicating effectively also involves understanding more than simply what the
conversation is about. Knowing your partner's habits, where your partner is coming from,
cultural background, and many other things we may not be able to take into account. Being able
to communicate effectively in a romantic relationship requires control, but also being able to say
how you truly feel When their communication is designed to build each other, or at least not to
tear down, the marriage can grow in healthy ways (Edwin O. Haroldsen, 1993).
There are many ways to work on communicating effectively in a romantic relationships
the best place to start is to first have someone hold you accountable. I plan on sharing my goal
with my fianc and hopefully as objective as he tends to be, he will be able to help me work
towards accomplishing my goal. Setting aside time weekly to check in, and see how I am doing
will play an important part to my accountability. After establishing those parts in my plan, then
the work comes. I will need to look within myself and the love for my faith and my future
spouse for motivation. Motivation to study books like the 5 Love languages, and articles the LDS
church provides on how to communicate effectively in romantic relationships. Reading that

Blanca Olmos
COM 122
information together with my Fianc is another method I will try to use to accomplish my goal.
Through reading and discussing the material, asking him for his point of view and concepts have
learned will help me understand what he finds important in effective communication. Through
discussing new ideas and concepts on how to communicate effectively, each of us will retain
information that we will be able to apply in various situations. Though the semester will be over
in December, we need to continue to grow as effective communicators will over the course of
our marriage. There is always room for improvement, the world is changing and the way we
communicate is modernized to different methods. Currently forms of technology we misinterpret
each other, as a couple we have fallen into situations where through a form of technology we
have a small argument had over a misunderstanding using modern forms of technology we need
to be clear and understanding with another. Learning to communicate effectively in a romantic
relationship is important. The goal is to eventually marry someone from one of the romantic
relationships we have developed. I look forward to working on this goal; I know it will help me
as I soon move into the next chapter in my life, married to my wonderful husband to be.

Edwin O. Haroldsen, B. L. (1993). Talk About Happiness. Ensign.

Blanca Olmos
COM 122
Monson, T. S. (1995, October 8). General Conference Sessions. Retrieved November 3, 2015,
from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints web site:

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