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The purpose of this comic strip is to have students recognize the usage of the

adjective QUICK within each strip. Once teaching students the material on
adjectives, I will incorporate this comic to include a fun and more understandable
way of learning about adjectives. While creating their own sentences with
comparative and superlative adjectives, it will allow me to gain an idea of whether
or not the students excelled. The lesson that I am addressing is that students will be
able to develop an understanding of the difference between comparative and
superlative adjectives. It is also an objective that with the inclusion of their
understanding, students are able to create their own sentences with the use of both
types of adjectives. This lesson is designed for 2nd grade. I chose this technology
application primarily because it is fun and exciting. Also, it is clear within each of
the thought bubbles and names of the super hero which type of adjective goes
within each category. This product effectively incorporates the recognition network
of UDL. The recognition network of UDL includes multimedia collections, animation
of text meanings, software with different presentations, and graphic highlighting.
Since this assignment is for second graders, I expect them to write their sentences
in their journal. Students should capitalize their adjectives and identify whether they
are superlative or comparative. For a homework activity, they will be instructed to
use their sentences and use them in a comic strip like the one shown.

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